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Version 1.00 of the Core Business, Core Location and Core Person Vocabulary released today

Version 1.00 of the Core Busi…

Published on: 11/05/2012 Last update: 09/10/2017 News Archived

Today, version 1.00 of the Core Business, Core Person and Core Location Vocabulary has been officially released under the ISA Open Metadata Licence v1.1.

What are core vocabularies?

Core Vocabularies are simplified, reusable, and extensible data models that capture the fundamental characteristics of an entity in a context-neutral way. They are designed to become the foundation of new, context-specific vocabularies to be used for exchanging public sector information. They can also be used as pivotal vocabularies used to map and align other vocabularies. Adherence to Core Vocabularies guarantees Public Administrations to attain a minimum level of cross-border and cross-domain interoperability.


Although there are many cross-border public services in the EU, citizens and businesses are still not receiving them in a seamless and efficient way. When citizens of one member state receive services in another, the necessary exchange of data is often hampered by incompatible data standards and specifications. Core Vocabularies help describe data entities by defining their components. When applied in IT systems, and in particular base registers, these Core Vocabularies make data easier to reuse and share and can be used as a starting point for developing new electronic government (e-Government) services, helping to enable interoperability between widely different IT systems across sectors and borders.

How have they been created?

In October 2011, the European Commission launched a multidisciplinary working group of experts from the Member States, EU institutions, Academia and Standardisation Bodies to create the Core Vocabularies mentioned above. The working group followed a process and methodology based on W3C’s best practices. More than 60 people of 21 EU Member States have participated in the Core Vocabularies work. The Core Vocabularies were released for a month-long public review on February 17 2012, during which over 20 comments were received. These comments were discussed by the Working Group and taken into consideration for version 1.00.

Future plans

The use of version 1.0 of the Core Business, Core Person and Core Location Vocabulary in national metadata frameworks will be further promoted. In addition to this, the Working Group will continue the development of additional vocabularies that link with the ones currently in public review.

Also the three vocabularies, together with ADMS, will be input for the W3C Government Linked Data Working Group (GLD WG). They will be published by the GLD WG as First Public Working Drafts for further consultation within the context of the typical W3C standardization process. The desired outcome of that process will be the publication of these vocabularies as open Web standards available under W3C's Royalty-Free License.

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