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Vocabulary for software metadata released for public review

Vocabulary for software metad…

Joinup Admin
Published on: 02/05/2012 News Archived

Today, a month-long public review period of the ADMS.F/OSS v0.3 metadata vocabulary has started. 

ADMS.F/OSS is a metadata vocabulary to describe software making it possible to more easily explore, find, and link software assets on the Web. The specification aims at maximally reusing existing specifications, such as DOAPADMS, and the Trove software map. The current version of ADMS.F/OSS (version 0.3) was elaborated from January till April by a multidisciplinary Working Group of 45 people from 14 different countries and will be open for public comments till June 2.

The process and methodology followed in the development of ADMS.F/OSS is set out in detail in the document “Process and Methodology for Developing Core Vocabularies”. Further background is available in the studies "Vision for an enhanced software description metadata schema and software catalogue for e-Government” and “Report on existing Software Forges”  which offers an overview and context for the work. 

This release, ADMS.F/OSS v0.3, is open for public comments until June 2 2012. Members of the public are invited to download the specification and share their public review by posting comments to the forum (registration required). Please indicate in your comment as precisely as possible to which part of the specification your comment applies.

How can you help?

We kindly invite you to contribute to this specification by submitting your comments on the ADMS.F/OSS Specification v0.3:
  1. Download the ADMS.F/OSS v0.3 Specification from the Joinup platform; and
  2. Comment* the ADMS.F/OSS v0.3 Specification by using the ADMS.F/OSS public review forum topic (registration on Joinup required).
*Please indicate in your comment as precisely as possible to which part of the specification your comment applies.
What happens with your feedback?
All comments and feedback received will be registered as issues and discussed with the Working Group in June. Resolutions of those issues will be shared on Joinup, and will lead to a final version of the specification that will be submitted for endorsement by the EU Member States.