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e-Government Core Vocabularies (new)


The e-Government Core Vocabularies are simplified, re-usable and extensible data models that capture the fundamental characteristics of a data entity in a context-neutral fashion.

Explore SEMIC e-Government Core Vocabularies !



What is the Core Person Vocabulary?

The Core Person Vocabulary is a simplified, reusable and extensible data model that captures the fundamental characteristics of a person, e.g. the name, the gender, the date of birth, the location etc.

What are the benefits of using the Core Person Vocabulary?

This specification enables interoperability among registers and any other ICT based solutions exchanging and processing person-related information.

Core Person Vocabulary key milestones

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What is the Core Business Vocabulary?

The Core Business Vocabulary is a simplified, reusable and extensible data model that captures the fundamental characteristics of a legal entity, e.g. the legal name, the activity, address, etc.

What are the benefits of using the Core Business Vocabulary?

The Core Business Vocabulary includes a minimal number of classes and properties modelled to capture the typical details recorded by business registers. It facilitates information exchange between business registers despite differences in what they record and publish.

Core Business Vocabulary key milestones

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What is the Core Location Vocabulary?

The Core Location Vocabulary is a simplified, reusable and extensible data model that captures the fundamental characteristics of a location, represented as an address, a geographic name, or a geometry.

What are the benefits of using the Core Location Vocabulary?

The Location Core Vocabulary provides a minimum set of classes and properties for describing a location represented as an address, a geographic name, or a geometry. This specification enables interoperability among land registers and any other ICT based solution exchanging and processing location information.

Core Location Vocabulary key milestones

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What is the Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary?

The Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV) supports the exchange of information between organisations that define criteria and organisations that respond to these criteria by means of evidences.

What are the benefits of using the Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary?

The Core Evidence and Core Criterion Vocabulary (CCCEV) addresses specific needs of businesses, public administrations and citizens across the European Union, including the following use cases:

  • Facilitate development of interoperable information systems: the use of common vocabularies to describe criteria and evidence facilitates the development of information systems and improves their interoperability.
  • Create a repository of reusable criteria in machine-readable formats: the use of common vocabularies promotes the creation of a repository of criteria and evidence information.
  • Automate the assessment of criteria: the Core Vocabulary describing the criterion responses allows systems to easily compare the information collected from different parties and enables automatic assessment of the responses for a specific criterion.
  • Automate scoring of responses: weighting criteria, the assessment can be followed by an automate scoring of the responses provided by different parties.
  • Promote cross-border participation in public procurement: the use of the Core Vocabulary for electronic criterion and evidence allows for removing language barriers thereby improving the cross border exchange of information, and the cross-border participation in pan-European selection processes.
  • Calculating statistics: standardising data for criterion, criterion responses and evidences allows calculating statistical information on the most common used criteria for a given process, the most relevant evidences, etc.
  • Create a registry of mappings of criteria: using the Core Vocabulary, it is possible to create a registry of mappings to allow cross-checking of the criteria with the evidences of each particular Member State.

CCCEV key milestones

  • January 2022 - version 2.00 was released
  • December 2016 - version 1.00 was released
  • February to December 2016 - Development of the Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary
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What is the Core Public Organisation Vocabulary?

The Core Public Organisation Vocabulary provides a common data model for describing public organisations in the European Union.

What are the benefits of using the Core Public Organisation Vocabulary?

The Core Public Organisation Vocabulary facilitates the process for institutions publishing data about public organisations. It can be enriched with sector- or country-specific information.

The Core Public Organisation Vocabulary (CPOV) addresses specific needs of businesses, public administrations and citizens across the European Union, including the following use cases:

  • Facilitate information sharing: the CPOV enables G2G (Government-to-Government), G2B (Government-to-Business) and G2C (Government-to-Citizen) information sharing.
  • Facilitate the development of common information systems: the use of existing data models for the development of common information systems facilitates the development of those systems and improves their interoperability.
  • Linked Open Organograms: the Core Public Organisation Vocabulary has the potential to link organograms to each other and to high-value data sets.
  • Cross border information exchange: the CPOV allows to manage a cross-border repository of public services and organisations.
  • Find a PO by its function: the public organisation portfolio facilitates discovery of which public authorities and departments are responsible for given areas of the public task.
  • Increase efficiency: the CPOV helps to identify where responsibilities and functions are duplicated or overlap.

Core Public Organisation Vocabulary key milestones

  • April 2021 - New public review cycle of several Core Vocabularies started. After a series of five webinars, version 2.0.0 of the Core Public Organisation Vocabulary was released
  • 19 December 2016 - version 1.00 of the Core Public Organisation Vocabulary was released
  • 2016 (Jan. to Dec.) - development of the Core Public Organisation Vocabulary specification
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What is the Core Public Event Vocabulary?

The Core Public Event Vocabulary is a simplified, reusable and extensible data model that captures the fundamental characteristics of a public event, e.g. the title, the date, the location, the organiser etc.

What are the benefits of using the Core Public Event Vocabulary?

The Core Public Event Vocabulary aspires to become a common data model for describing public events (conferences, summits, etc.) in the European Union. This specification enables interoperability among registers and any other ICT based solutions exchanging and processing information related to public events.

Core Public Event Vocabulary key milestones

  • In 2022, an effort was pursued towards an official release of CPEV. 
  • In 2018, a first public draft of CPEV, intended to be piloted, was released. 
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