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DCAT-AP workshop

Published on: 08/03/2016 Event Archived
Sheraton Parco de Medici Rome Hotel
Viale Salvatore Rebecchini 39 – 00148 Roma, Italy

About the workshop

On 13 May 2016, the ISA² programme of the European Commission will host a workshop on DCAT-AP. The workshop is organised in the context of the ISA Action 1.1 on semantic interoperability and invites implementers of DCAT-AP:

  • to discuss implementation challenges and good practices; 
  • to learn more about the DCAT-AP implementation guidelines that Action 2.1 of the ISA2 programme is developing in collaboration with DCAT-AP implementers; 
  • to discover more about the status of the extensions of the DCAT-AP for geospatial and statistical data;
  • to discuss about tool and software support. 

The workshop is held back-to-back with SEMIC 2016. For more information about the conference, please refer to:


The workshop was organised following the concept of discussion tables. Each discussion table dealt with one out of four identified issues with implementing DCAT-AP. to follow up the discussion on each topic, we created issues on Joinup:


>>The report from the workshop is available here<<



Start Finish Topic Presenter
09:00 09:30 Coffee and registration  
09:30 09:35
  • Objectives of the meeting
09:35 09:50
DCAT-AP the story for far
  • DCAT-AP V1.1
  • GeoDCAT-AP 
  • StatDCAT-AP
  • Who is using DCAT-AP
  • DCAT-AP implementation guidelines

 download slides]

09:50 10:00

DCAT: update on the future plans of W3C

 download slides]

10:00 10:15 Discussion tables (3' introduction per table) Moderators

Expressing relationships between datasets

 download slides]

Norbert Hohn

Service-based data access

 download slides]

Uwe Voges

Data licensing

 download slides]

Giorgia Lodi

Software and tools

 download slides]

Bart Hanssens
10:15 10:40 Coffee   
10:40 11:40
Discussion tables 
11:40 12:00 Discussion tables debrief (3' introduction per table) Moderators 
12:00 13:00 Lunch  
13:00 15:00  

Spread the word: #SEMIC2016 - @SEMICeu


Related initiatives:




Expected Participants:

DCAT-AP implementers from the public sector

State: Pending


Physical location
Sheraton Parco de Medici Rome Hotel
Viale Salvatore Rebecchini 39 – 00148 Roma, Italy