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epSOS Cross-border e-Health pilots enter into operation

epSOS Cross-border e-Health p…

Published on: 18/04/2012 News Archived

On the 13th of April 2012, the epSOS large scale pilot phase started. The pilot will test the developed technical, semantic and legal solutions in a real-life environment. The purpose is to demonstrate over a one-year period, the concept that, with the help of epSOS, medical treatment for citizens residing in other countries can be improved by providing health professionals with the necessary patient data in a secure electronic format.

Over the past three years, the epSOS Project has been developing feasible cross-border eHealh services, addressing technical, semantic and legal interoperability challenges. The start of the pilot means that from now on, European patients that have agreed to take part in the epSOS pilot and epSOS health professionals will be using and evaluating the epSOS pilot cross-border Patient Summary, ePrescription and eDispensation services at points of care participating in the epSOS pilot.

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