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Online course: Building a School Digital Strategy with the SELFIE Tool

New SELFIE Tool online course for school staff

Published on: 12/10/2021 News Archived

Integrating digital technologies in education is complex and to succeed requires a comprehensive digital strategy covering all areas of a school. The free online course “Building a School Digital Strategy” will help teachers and school leaders to take a snapshot of their school’s current use of digital technologies and set out a path for improvement, thereby setting the foundation for a school digital strategy.

In this course, offered on the School Education Gateway Teacher Academy, participants will identify how to use digital technology to maximise student learning and set out a clear vision for using digital technology in their schools. The course focusses on the European Commission’s SELFIE tool and will show how it can help schools develop their digital practices. Participants will be guided to identify the foundations of their digital strategy using SELFIE and to develop an action plan to achieve it, based on the results offered by the tool.

Course for teachers and school leaders

The course is organised around the principle of peer learning, with course content designed to stimulate reflection and discussion so that participants can learn from each other’s experiences and ideas. To complete the course, participants are required to submit a final course product, an action plan, and review their peers' work.

The course is relevant for any teacher or school leader who wants to develop a digital strategy for their school. However, due to the nature of the topic and the importance of getting input from a variety of school stakeholders, it is useful for participants to hold a transversal or leadership role in the school.

A basic level of digital literacy is required to navigate the course and engage with the course community. At the same time, interaction via social media is not a requirement, although it is highly recommended, as it can substantially improve the course experience.


As the course will be offered in English, participants must be able to understand education-specific oral and written communication and must be confident about expressing themselves and interacting in English.

This course starts on Monday 25 October but registering is already possible through the course page. The course will run for 5,5 weeks with a total number of 4 modules – one module per week, including 1.5 extra-grace week at the end of the course. The estimated workload is 3-4 hours per week. During the first four weeks, one new module opens every Monday. The deadline for the final assignment is Wednesday, 1 December.

The course is offered on the School Education Gateway Teacher Academy. The course is free of charge, and participants only need to create an account on the School Education Gateway if they do not have one already, or log in with their eTwinning account, in order to take part in the course.

Enrol already today! After the course is over, all the content stays available for self-paced learning.

Participants will receive a digital course badge and a digital certificate upon completion of the full course. The badge can be exported to Badgr.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Teacher Academy team at


The School Education Gateway is funded by Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport.