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CoS - Getting into the details


Service offering

The Catalogue of Services Action aims at enhancing the interoperability of existing portals and catalogues of services: given that administrations have developed solutions listing the various services available without coordinating this with each other, the access to this information and the aggregation of this scattered data is very complicated. To achieve this, a range of activities are put in place that together constitute the service offering provided by the Catalogue of Services Action.

Service offering CoS


CoS Benefits

User journeys

The Action supports European public administrations operating at different levels (international, national, regional, and even local) and in a variety of contexts (Single Digital Gateway, cross-border, national harmonisation and other specific implementations). 

Therefore, our service offering can be relevant for you if your project falls within the scope of the Single Digital Gateway, the cross-border mapping of your solution, the harmonisation of your solution to a national level or any other specific implementation. 


1. Creating a catalogue of services

The Catalogue of Services Action can help you build your catalogue and/or advise you from different perspectives throughout your journey.

User Journey 1



User Journey 2

2. Making catalogues interoperable

The Catalogue of Services Action can help you harmonise your descriptions.



3. Improving the access to public services information through new technologies

The Catalogue of Services Action can pilot certain technologies or benchmark how such technologies are being used by public administrations and share guidelines and best practices of the study.

User Journey 3


Dowload the pdf leaflet about the Catalogue of Service Action here.


Let's get in touch!

Would this example be relevant to your situation? Or would you need different kinds of support ? Let's get in touch and discuss it together !

The Catalogue of Services Action offers its services to the public administrations of the European Member States. Depending on the level at which the administration operates (whether it is national, regional or local) the Catalogue of Services Action is able to provide a service adapted to the maturity level of the administration project.  

If you are active in digital, administrative simplification, database registries, eGov, data exchange/harmonisation, etc. do not hesitate to contact our team to discuss further possibilities.