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BRAIF - Share your opinion on Framework now !

Published on: 15/06/2020 Discussion Archived

#ABR Team invites data management experts, policy makers and other interested parties to share their view on the ?Framework on Base Registries Access and Interconnection - #BRAIF. This Framework aims to provide guidance to Member States (MS) on how to grant access to the data in base registries (BRs) and how to interconnect them.

ABR Team elaborated this Framework in close collaboration with participants of ABR Working Groups (from various EU public administrations), through public discussions in webinars and via the ABR Collection on Joinup.

Now it is time to finalise it and prove it’s valuable to support MS to set up their #BaseRegistries governance and related policies!

Challenge the BRAIF document: is it covering all needed aspects for #BaseRegistries interconnection?

Share with us your MS’s use cases, such as:

? How do you approach data governance (e.g. how did you set-up your governance model, what are the challenges, your AS-IS and TO-BE scenarios);

? How do you organise your processes (e.g. do you have lean processes, or how do you plan to lean them);

? How do you resolve data quality (e.g. avoid duplication of open data in different base registries).

Your use cases might become a part of upcoming Guidelines where we will showcase different challenges and best practice examples from MS!

We are looking forward for your comments, to analyse and incorporate relevant ones for a better BRAIF!

Don’t miss our public ABR webinar to discuss BRAIF on the 29th of June

We have speakers from @NordicInstitute on X-Road and @Justid (Netherlands), explaining their role in data sharing and reuse

?More information about the webinar available here

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