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Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference 2022 – ENISA

Published on: 18/02/2022 Event Archived

We (the European Commission’s legal interoperability team) are constantly supporting the digital policies in combination to innovative technologies towards a digital-ready policymaking.


In this sense, we invite you to attend the 6th Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference 2022 - European Standardisation in support of the EU cybersecurity legislation, a virtual conference that is taking place on 15 March 2022.

The European Standards Organisations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, have joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, to foster dialogue among policy makers, industry, research and standardisation organisations, in view of an effective implementation of the EU cybersecurity legislation.

Some of the panel discussions with panelists from the EU institutions, EU Commission, EU Member States, European SDOs and industry are:

  • EU Cybersecurity Standardisation - where are we heading?
  • Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity;
  • Future of Data Protection Standardisation.

The registrations are now open!

Learn more about the event here.



Consult the agenda here

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