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BLSI Learning Hub

The BLSI (Better Legislation for Smoother Implementation) Learning Hub is a continuously evolving space gathering learning material on different topics linked to BLSI. It is for all types of profiles involved into policymaking (e.g. policymakers, legal drafters, IT and business profiles). Like a tree, it will keep growing and evolving over time and will be co-created with our community.  

The Hub is based on a number of “learning needs” related to BLSI. These needs were identified via research and different activities carried-out as part of the BLSI community (including the virtual breakfasts). Technology evolves very quickly, therefore these needs also evolve over time. We are gathering the feedback of our community members on these needs as well as on the learning material gathered below. Feel free to send us your suggestions here!

Which learning needs do you have when it comes to formulating better legislation?

The Legal Interoperability team has identified a number of learning needs to foster better legislation in a digital world, based on the three main segments that are part of our ecosystem: 

  • Digital-ready drafting: formulating clear rules & reusing terminologies
  • Aligning policies with existing digital policies
  • Understanding ethics of technology in policy
  • Reusing IT solutions
  • Identifying and assessing digital impacts
  • Understanding innovative tools using new technologies to support policy
  • Applying once-only & reusing data
  • IT roles for policy


The BLSI training 

We are currently working on a number of online courses addressing some of the above learning needs:

BLSI training offer

Our online courses on EU Academy

To start your digital-ready policymaking journey, check out our Digital-ready policymaking online course.

If you are interested in Law as Code and its relation to digital-ready policymaking, enrol in our course on Understanding Law as Code.

More upcoming courses

Other new courses will be available shortly on the EU Academy. Stay tuned! 

Europe Academy

Insights from our members 

As part of its September 2020-2021 Virtual Breakfast on skills for policymaking in a digital world, the LIOP team presented the Learning Hub to the community members and gathered very interesting input. In particular:

  • The participants shared their preferences around the above learning tree. All the identified learning needs were validated and the following needs were particularly popular among participants, mainly those who belong to the legislative and operational:
    • Digital-ready drafting: formulating clear rules & reusing terminologies
    • Understanding and applying interoperability
    • Streamlining existing business processes and designing new ones
    • Understanding new trends in digital government transformation
  •  At the same time, some additional needs were identified and added to the above learning tree:
    • How to create awareness and ownership across the policy areas and how to get other policy areas to understand their role in digitalisation policy
    • Best practices on interoperability across the policy life cycle
    • Research on rules of interpretation of law and its relation with the execution of computer codes – law as code
    • Interoperability training for stakeholders
  • Most of the participants would participate in the online training and are willing to use the EU Academy! While the EU Academy team is happy to welcome any training providers who want to host their trainings and courses on the platform!

Existing training material

In addition, you can find below further training material and documentation based on your learning needs - You know existing training resources in this field? Get in contact!

Need Training material

Digital-ready drafting: formulating clear rules & reusing terminologies 


Understanding & applying interoperability across the policy cycle


Streamlining existing business processes and designing new ones  
  • Upcoming soon
Understanding new trends in digital government transformation  

Forming a multidisciplinary team 


Aligning policies with existing digital policies 
  • Online digital policy repository (upcoming soon
Applying once-only & reusing data data.europa academy |

Reusing IT solutions 


Understanding innovative tools using new technologies to support policy 


  • SeTA (March 2021 virtual breakfast) 
  • ManyLaws (March 2021 virtual breakfast) 
Identifying and assessing digital impacts  
Streamlining regulatory reporting 
Understanding ethics of technology in policy 
IT roles for policy Upcoming soon
Awareness & ownership in digitalisation policyUpcoming soon
Understanding Law as Code
Interoperability for stakeholders

We want your feedback

Do these needs resonate with your practice? 

Do you have any other learning needs?

Do you know any other relevant learning material?

Share your feedback in comments as part of this discussion!