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DECIDO final event: Shaping the future of evidence-informed policy making

Published on: 13/02/2024 Event
Brussels Hotel: Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

Are you passionate about evidence-based policymaking? If so, we have a treat just right for you! The DECIDO project is organising a conference dedicated to the future of evidence-informed policymaking. Register here!

What to expect? During the conference crucial areas will be discussed from evidence-based policymaking for carbon neutrality to the role of data in smart cities. Moreover, four DECIDO projects will be presented regarding the forest fires, floods, power outages, and wildfires. Lastly, the audience will be introduced to the DECIDO book: A Paradigm in policy-making: the Horizon 2020-101004605 DECIDO project. 

  • When? 22/02/2024
  • Where? Renaissance Brussels Hotel (Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels, Belgium) or online
  • How to register? Click here!


About the DECIDO project
The DECIDO is a project funded by the EU. It seeks to enhance the utilization of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) among Public Authorities. Its primary objectives include fostering innovation within the policymaking sector, facilitating cross-support and collaboration, and promoting the utilization of secure compute and data-intensive services.

Physical location
Brussels Hotel: Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels, Belgium