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Manylaws project Workshop on Legal Informatics

Published on: 11/03/2021 Event Archived

The ManyLaws project consortium ( invites you to participate to its final brief workshop, during which you will be given the opportunity to access, interact and evaluate, according to your needs, the ManyLaws portal facilitating advanced search, retrieval and visualization of legal data from three European legal contexts: Greece (Greek laws and parliamentary data), Austria (Austrian laws and parliamentary data) and Europe (EUR-Lex data).
If you are a Public Sector employee, a Legal business representative, or just interested in advanced search of legal information at Greek, Austrian and European legal contexts, the ManyLaws workshop will facilitate your legal search. information retrieval and decision support needs.
The workshop will take place in English on Friday 19 March 2021 from 12.00 to 13.30 CET. Participation will be confirmed on a first come first serve basis.
If you are interested to be informed about the ManyLaws portal, experience a liver demonstration of it and have the opportunity to interact with it yourselves, you may register below, until Monday 15 March 2021.

Register here:




Ι. Workshop Agenda
12.00 Welcome and Introduction to the ManyLaws project
12.05 The ManyLaws portal services
12.20 ManyLaws Portal Live Demonstration
12.35 Participants hands-on access to and interaction with ManyLaws portal
12.50 Brief feedback collection (short questionnaire)
13.00 Discussion on Sustainability


Virtual location