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[Past Event] BLSI virtual breakfast: Policymaking embraces innovation - Drafting and implementing regulatory sandboxes

Published on: 18/02/2022 Last update: 06/04/2022 Event Archived

We are happy to invite you to our next virtual breakfast “Policymaking embraces innovation: Drafting and implementing regulatory sandboxes”. The webinar will be held on March 16, 09:30-11:00 CET – to attend the event please register here.

To embrace the challenges imposed to the existing regulatory and institutional framework by the unprecedented leap of emerging technologies, the European Commission is exploring new regulatory approaches, including regulatory sandboxes, to encourage innovations in the public sector. The underlying idea of sandboxes is to allow public administration and businesses to test-run their products in a controlled real-world environment – all while enjoying the ease of applicable rules at the testing stage. To lay the ground for widespread use of sandboxing, the European Commission provides policymakers with necessary tools and guidelines, such as the Better Regulation toolbox. A number of the policymaking instruments presented in that document recommend the use of experimental clauses already at the policy drafting stage (see Tools 22, 28 and 69), allowing for easy incorporation of sandboxes in drafted legislation.

To shed light on the existing use cases of regulatory sandboxes and their practical implications, our legal interoperability team has invited several experts from the European Commission and the Member States to talk about their experience of dealing with sandboxes and experimental clauses:

  • Latest developments on EU level - Lorna Schrefler – European Commission, Directorate General for Research and innovation;
  • The German Regulatory Sandbox Strategy: Experiences and next steps – Dr. Konstantin Kolloge, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action;
  • The Regulatory Sandboxing Clause in the proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act – Yordanka Ivanova – Directorate-General for Communication Networks, Content and Technology.

Are you interested in exploring pitfalls and estimated benefits of regulatory sandboxes? Do you want to discuss on-hand experience of France and Germany in implementing regulatory sandboxes in their national policies? Are you curious about the ways digital-ready policymaking support and frame regulatory sandboxes?

If the answer is yes, do not wait any longer to register for our webinar!

We look forward to discussing your ideas and experiences during our virtual breakfast.

BLSI virtual breakfast
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