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New content for the community? Step-by-step guide on how to contribute to this joinup space

Bring your insights to the community

Published on: 20/08/2021 Last update: 12/10/2021 News Archived

Joinup is moving ahead to become a one-stop-shop for Digital Government. We believe that such a service can only be co-created by all involved stakeholders. This is why we want to renew our call to contribute to this Joinup space by publishing your latest findings, solutions, studies, events etc. You can also open a discussion on a related topic and ask other community members for their thoughts. Interesting discussions can be the starting point for one of our next webinars.

To help you to get started, we have put together a short step by step guide on how to publish content in our community:

1. You need a EU login account. If you don't already have it, sign up here.

2. Become a member of our collection "Better Legislation for Smoother Implementation" by clicking the blue button in the header of our landing page

Join this community

3. Click on the orange circle with the +, that is viewable for subscribed members only

Provide content

4. Select the category of content you want to add (news, discussion, event...).

5. Add your content to the template

5. You can save the draft and have a look. To come back to editing mode, you have to click on the three dots below each other in the banner.

6. Once you are happy with the content, you can click propose.

6. We, as moderators of the community, will get a notice and give green light for the content to be published.

If you encounter any difficulties, drop us a message at


Looking forward to learning more about you and your activities!


The EU legal interoperability team