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Evaluating two years of digital-ready legislation in Denmark

Digital-ready legislation in Denmark

Published on: 23/08/2021 Last update: 01/09/2021 News Archived

Since 2018 it has been required that new legislation presented before the Danish parliament is digital-ready. This means shaping the rules in compliance with principles encouraging the use of data, digital solutions and new technologies, while emphasizing trust and transparency. Moreover, an impact assessment on the digital
consequences of implementation has to accompany every new legislative draft. All together the aim is to ensure an efficient and coherent digital public administration.

A recently conducted review shows that the initiative has made a positive impact. During the recent two years, ministries have demonstrated a gradually increased degree of compliance and focus towards digital-readiness when proposing new legislation for the parliament.

However, there is still potential for improving the initiative. One of the clear focus points in the future is European legislation. The foundation of digital-ready legislation in Denmark is often led by European legislation. EIDAS and SDG are examples of regulations setting the terms of the digital legislative landscape in each of the member states.

As the Commission together with the member states have to decide a new interoperability policy it is therefore essential to prioritize a clear and constructive set of guidelines for creating legislation geared for the digital age.

If you want to know more about the Danish approach on digital-ready legislation, check out the take-aways from the virtual webinar held before this forum in October 2020.