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Thank you for making our first virtual breakfast on digital-ready policy making a success!

First virtual breakfast: key takeaways and next steps

Published on: 24/07/2020 Last update: 07/08/2020 News Archived

Thank you!

The first virtual breakfast of our Better Legislation for Smoother Implementation community on digital-ready policy making on 8 July 2020 was a great success, thanks to the active and fruitful participation of our members.

It was a pleasure to kick-off our series of webinars by presenting our work around digital-ready policy making and introducing our community to such an enthusiast audience. We learned a lot from the participants, and we were happy to receive proposals for contributions from them.

The webinar presentation can be found below and the webinar summary will also be available shortly. 

Our next steps

A series of virtual breakfast sessions will take place each month as of September. Stay tuned by becoming a member of our Better Legislation for Smoother Implementation community and by subscribing to our newsletter, if not already done.

Do not hesitate to contact us directly  or to post any comment below about this event on digital-ready policy making. Your suggestion for the topics of our future virtual breakfasts are also welcome.
