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IOPEU Academy’s new courses on Interoperability Test Bed!

Learn more about the Interoperability Test Bed.

Published on: 23/10/2023 Last update: 17/01/2024 News

Are you looking for thorough and detailed courses that will give you guidance on the Interoperability Test Bed? Then, enroll in our latest courses about it and learn everything you are looking for in order to boost your knowledge on the subject! Keep reading for more details.

Costas Simatos, the Team Leader of the Interoperability Test Bed and the expert that worked on the creation of the ‘Interoperability Test Bed 1, Getting Started with

Costas Simatos

 Interoperability Test Bed’ course’ as well as the ‘Interoperability Test Bed: Conformance testing for managers’, shared his views on the importance and relevancy of the course.

He explains that the main goal and purpose of these courses is: “to act as an additional guided entry point into the Interoperability Test Bed for IT project managers and to raise awareness of the Interoperability Test Bed’s services for new users. The course is also expected to facilitate the onboarding of new users as it complements the general introduction we are doing typically in-person currently.”

This course is designed to explain the nature of the Test Bed as well as describe its value proposition. Like Costas mentioned “learners are expected to gain an understanding of the Test Bed’s main use cases and be in a position to determine whether it is a suitable solution to realise their projects’ conformance testing needs.”

He also highlighted that this course was created for IT project managers that are unfamiliar with the Test Bed but that have, or potentially will have in the future, conformance testing needs and that “The goal of the course is to present how the Test Bed is used and highlight its main use cases which is what we want to communicate to projects’ decision makers. The course is not technical so not suited for developers of projects that have already started using the Test Bed.”

Interoperable Europe Academy always strives to provide the most pertinent online courses based on the identified needs of its target audience. Right now, a course on Interoperability Test Bed is necessarily because, as Costas said “The popularity of the Test Bed is increasing and we have more and more users approaching us proactively for more information. If the new courses can replace or at least facilitate the introduction to new users this will be an achievement for us.”

Interoperability Test Bed

Costas further explained that “Conformance testing is what makes specifications – the cornerstone of interoperability – verifiable. By offering a generic conformance testing service, the Test Bed is a key interoperability enabler that could be potentially introduced on any project where interoperability is important. The Test Bed’s foundational role in realising interoperability positions is firmly in the portfolio of solutions of DIGIT B2 and as such is an excellent candidate for a learning module in the IOPEU Academy, which focuses on providing learning services around interoperability.

To conclude, Costas felt the need to point out that this course is an excellent complement for any project providing an interoperability solution and is trying to reach a broader audience: “Regardless of the amount of existing documentation for the solution in question, having a curated course on the IOPEU Academy will always provide added value as it offers an additional guided learning channel that may be more appropriate for users more used to following such learning methods.”

Click here to enrol in the ‘Getting started with the Interoperability Test Bed’ and here to enrol in the ‘Interoperability Test Bed: Conformance testing for managers’ course! 


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