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Presentation: ELISE Guidance on Location Data Privacy

ELISE Webinar Guidance on Location Data Privacy

Published on: 22/10/2020 Last update: 12/05/2021 Document Archived

Check out the recording and supporting slides for the ELISE webinar: Guidance on Location Data Privacy

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Structure of the presentation 

  1. What is "personal location data" and how does it relate to "location data privacy"?
  2. Why is location data privacy important for me? User journeys
  3. ELISE guidance on Location Data Privacy
  4. Conclusions and main take-aways
  5. Q&A


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Summary of the webinar

The webinar gave an overview of the complex topic of location data privacy, both from a theoretical and practical perspective, showing how recent initiatives dealing with personal data protection, resulting from the GDPR legislative framework, are linked to location data, and summarising how the ELISE action has been contributing in this domain.

Firstly, the speakers explained the impact that the GDPR had on organizations’ legal, technology and data dimensions when it entered into force and answered to the most common questions linked to personal location data and location data privacy, clarifying what is the relationship between these two topics.

In the second part, it was explained explained how the regulatory framework on location data privacy can be applied to real life situations in order to optimise the ways personal location data is processed through four different “user journeys”.

Then it was illustrated how ELISE’s activities provide guidance on the subject of location data privacy which, in turn, can be grouped under three different domains: studies, frameworks and solutions and ELISE Knowledge Transfer.

Finally, the key take-aways and conclusions provided the key messages and challenges for the uptake of location data privacy and summarised the legacy of ELISE for the Digital Europe Programme:

  • Common European data spaces require trust in personal data usage;
  • (Location) data privacy is and will remain central in all European initiatives;
  • Technological innovations must be assessed under their compliance with data protection legislation;
  • For better uptake GDPR and location data privacy require simple guidelines and concrete use cases, complemented by awareness raising on use of location data;
  • Ethical issues and social impacts of location data use go beyond sheer compliance with regulations.

The presentation was followed by a panel discussion

during which the attendees had the chance to discuss with a panel of external experts on the future challenges and risks related to location data privacy. In particular, the location data privacy challenges and potential future developments were discussed under four different perspectives:

  • Member States perspective;
  • Business perspective;
  • Citizens’ perspective;
  • Local administration perspective.


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