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Geo Knowledge Base Service

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The ELISE Geo Knowledge Base Service aims at: 

  • providing new insights on topics related to Location and digital transformation through new publications.
  • fostering the use of reusable solutions in the context of location interoperability
  • consolidating the knowledge of the ELISE action in several formats: from educational videos, webinars, training materials, presentations, games, visual material.
  • maintaining a vibrant stakeholder community around the topics in scope.

Moreover, ELISE underlying objective is to explore how knowledge about (location) interoperability can be represented, customised and shared with different stakeholders.

Knowledge Transfer and capacity building

ELISE is undertaking this activity in several ways, including videos, webinars, online guidance, training materials, presentations and workshops.

The webinar series aims to shed light on emerging phenomena and raise awareness about innovative aspects related to location interoperability and digital transformation while generating interest for further research/piloting and discussion. A recent focus has been the development of webinars, providing a rolling program for those wishing to follow the latest developments in the field. [read more]

The ELISE action contributes

  • to the provision and update of training modules to support the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive and location interoperability in general. The modules are designed as different paths aimed at managers, public servants, and technicians.[read more]
  • to the development of a course providing an understanding of how location data and location technologies are important enablers of digital government transformation, facilitating both more efficient and effective digital public services and improved policy making, and providing benefits to citizens, businesses and public administration.[read more]

ELISE Action puts its focus on user-centricity. During the past years, a wide user community of stakeholders from different sectors (public administrations, businesses and citizens)  has been built contributing in one or another way to several outputs of ELISE Action  [read more]

The co-creation and exchange of knowledge are facilitated by using tailored board games and workshop methodologies. [read more]

Visual communication tools like videos, infographics, pictograms can help to intuitively transfer knowledge. [read more]

Agreed reference data or metadata, allows data to be reused in innumerable ways and is central in achieving semantic interoperability.

ELISE Action has developed the following tools to facilitate knowledge transfer capabilities within and across any organisation.

[read more]


Location Interoperability Framework Observatory (LIFO)

The Location Interoperability Framework Observatory (LIFO) is a domain-specific observatory on location interoperability. It provides tools to monitor, assess, and report the location interoperability state of play in Member States' digital government programmes. [Visit the LIFO solution].


