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Report: Emerging approaches for data-driven innovation in Europe

Emerging approaches for data-driven innovation in Europe Sandbox experiments on the governance of data and technology

Published on: 11/02/2022 Last update: 22/06/2022 Document

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Acknowledging the key role that emerging technologies and innovative approaches for data sharing and use can play to make European data spaces a reality, this document presents a set of experiments that explore emerging technologies and tools for data-driven innovation, and also deepen in the socio-technical factors and forces that occur in data-driven innovation. Experimental results shed some light on lessons learned and practical recommendations towards establishing European data spaces.

The findings presented in this document were collected through a sandbox approach which included a set of experiments designed and developed to explore emerging technologies and tools for data-driven innovation and investigate the socio-technical factors and forces in data-driven innovation.

As a result, this document presents:

  • gaps that need to be addressed from a technological, organisational and social perspective. It also provides recommendations to address them to ultimately achieve the desired business and social objectives.
  • key organisational and social aspects of data-driven innovation in local communities and public sector organisations and argues a dearth of empirical research on current practices. More research would allow fine-tuning canvas that guides practitioners and support sustainable and ethical data sharing between private sector entities, civic society and public actors. Empirical research would also enlighten drivers, values, and clashes that characterise data innovation in public administrations, which describes a multi-method approach for researching the social demand for DDI. 
  • main lessons learned from all the contributions helping to bridge the gap between EU policy4 developments and local practices.

The experiments presented in the report can inform the establishment of European data spaces from the particular perspective of cities and municipalities, which inevitably will play a key role in the next EU-policy developments and make Europe fit for the digital age.

Finally, the nature of emerging technologies, architectures, standards and approaches covered in this document is crosscutting. They can be studied from multiple angles, including the social, economic and technological perspectives that can altogether inform the scoping of policies that can be operationalised and lead to data-driven innovation at scale. That is why the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, specifically its Digital Economy Unit, is uniquely positioned to provide insights related to the utilisation and sharing of data that are both scientifically relevant and have a strong policy dimension.

Download the report here.

How to cite this document: Granell, C., Mooney, P., Jirka, S., Rieke, M., Ostermann, F., Van Den Broecke, J., Sarretta, A., Verhulst, S., Dencik, L., Oost, H., Micheli, M., Minghini, M., Kotsev, A. and Schade, S., Emerging approaches for data-driven innovation in Europe, EUR 30969 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2022, ISBN 978-92-76-46936-0, doi:10.2760/511775, JRC127730.


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