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Report: EPC4EU - Harmonisation of datasets of Energy Performance Certificates of buildings across Europe

Published on: 30/07/2021 Last update: 11/08/2021 Document

Final report of the ELISE Energy & Location Applications Use case "EPC4EU - Harmonisation of datasets of Energy Performance Certificates of buildings across Europe".

Nowadays, datasets of Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) of buildings in Europe are highly heterogeneous: they follow different EPC schemes making their comparison challenging.This report shows in the first place how a European-wide harmonised EPC scheme would be very beneficial to compare EPC datasets across countries and regions. Secondly, it showcases how Regional Energy Agencies can actively support energy efficiency policies.The study proposes a European data model named EPC4EU, reusing a methodology developed in 2017 to harmonise EPC in Italy and testing it with real EPC datasets from Castilla y León (Spain). The methodology can be reused to generate new versions of the EPC4EU data model to harmonise EPC datasets from any Member State.Furthermore, the study documents a series of difficulties encountered during the harmonisation process and the solutions adopted to overcome them.Finally, the study also includes suggestions to use the resulting harmonised data in the QGIS software and documents the development of a web application designed to make available the harmonised dataset to non-GIS experts. The issues encountered in the web app adaptation and respective solutions adopted have been documented to ease possible future web app extensions.

How to cite this document: Serna-González, V., Hernández Moral, G., Miguel-Herrero, F.J., Valmaseda, C., Martirano, G., Pignatelli, F. and Vinci, F., ELISE Energy & Location Applications: Use Case “Harmonisation of Energy Performance Certificates of buildings datasets across EU” – Final Report, EUR 30795 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-40827-7, doi:10.2760/500135, JRC124887.


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