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Recommendation 41

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Recommendation 41 | Conceptual model: Open data

Establish procedures and processes to integrate the opening of data in your common business processes, working routines, and in the development of new information systems.


List of all available solutions that implement this recommendation
The Asset Description Metadata Schema
Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS)
ADMS allows for developing and keeping own systems for documenting and storing semantic assets. 
The semantic view of EIRA contains an open data policy, focusing on integrated of opening of data into common business processes, among other things. 
Interoperability Quick Assessment Toolkit (IQAT)
Interoperability Quick Assessment Toolkit (IQAT)
The IQAT assesses the extent to which processes to integrate the opening of data in common business processes and working routines, and also when developing new information systems were applied during the operation of the solution. 

SIMAPS v1.0.0

Questions C2 and C3 of the Service Consumption section of the SIMAPS questionnaire assess the semantic behavioural interoperability specifications of the data, information and knowledge consumed by a public service, by examining the extent of reusability of public data by another public service. The more the integration of public data to the public service, the better for establishing smooth interoperation among them.


As a project management methodology, OpenPM²  can support the establishment of procedures and processes to integrate the opening of data
in your common business processes, working routines, and in the development of new information systems.