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Programme SEMIC 2018




Registration & Coffee (8:30-9:30)

Opening - Bulgarian Presidency:

Promotional video by the Bulgarian Presidency to the Council of the EU
Alexander Yolovski, S.E.G.A, Bulgaria 

Keynote: Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society

Introduction by Gertrud Ingestad, Director-General of DG DIGIT, European Commission

"Access to base registers and interconnections between the building blocks - key enablers in the end-to-end principle of eGovernment" - Alexander Yolovski, S.E.G.A, Bulgaria [download slides]

Keynote: "Efficient data sharing under democratic governance" - Jens Krieger Røyen, Head of Division, Danish Agency for Digitisation [download slides]

Coffee Break (11:00-11:30)

Session I: Base Registries (11:30-13:00)
ISA² Access to Base Registries: Peter Burian, DG DIGIT, European Commission [download slides]

Business Registers Interconnection Systems: Vincent Dijkstra, DG DIGIT, European Commission [download slides]

A Common Semantic Model for the Once-Only Principle: Jack Verhoosel, TNO [download slides]

Central Ontological Model for Base Registries Data in Slovakia: Miroslav Liska, Slovakia [download slides]

Land Registers Interconnection: Gabriel Sima, DG JUST, European Commission [download slides]

Networking Lunch (13:00-14:30)

Project corners / Demos:

Vocbench Demo: Denis Dechandon, EU Publications Office

SCOOP4C, Stakeholder Community Once-Only Principle for Citizens: Michaela Führer

ELRC, Europan Language Resource Coordination: Lili Smal and Aivars Berzinš

IMOLA II: Jesús Camy (ELRA)


Session II: The Single Digital Gateway (14:30-14:45)
Fleur Breuillin, DG GROW, European Commission [download slides]

Session III: Parallel sessions (14:50-15:30)
1) OSLO: Raf Buyle, Flanders [download slides]
Methodology and Tools - support for Semantic Interoperability: Per de Place Bjørn, Denmark [download slides]

2) Financial Data Standardisation, DG FISMA RegTech project: Peter van den Hul, DG FISMA, European Commission [download slides]
Interoperability of Chemical Data: Francois Mestre, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) [download slides]

3) National Metadata Architecture & Interoperability Workbench: Suvi Remes, Ministry of Finance, Finland [download slides]
Doris: Franco Accordino, DG CNECT, European Commission [download slides]

Coffee Break (15:30-16:00)

Session IV: Emerging Technologies (16:00-16:45)
Artificial Intelligence at the service of the citizen: the Italian task force: Enzo Maria Le Fevre / Dr. Marco Bani, Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale [download slides]

Blockchain Cadastre: Jacques Vos, Kadaster, Netherlands [download slides]

Panel: Digital Strategies (16:45-17:30)
Laura Rodríguez, AGESIC, Uruguay [download slides]
Kenji Hiramoto, National strategy office of IT, Cabinet Secretariat, Japan [download slides]
Anna Panagopoulou, Director, DG RTD J,  European Commission
Luis Felipe Salin Monteiro, Secretary of State, Brazil 
Moderator: Vassilios Peristeras

Closing (17:30-17:45)
Emanuele Baldacci, Director of DG DIGIT, European Commission

Networking drink (17:45-19:00)


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