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Catalogue of Services and Base Registries have become part of the SEMIC Support Centre!

Catalogue of Services and Base Registries are part of SEMIC!

Published on: 02/08/2023 Last update: 07/08/2023 News

Have you seen it yet? The entire actions on Base Registries and Catalogue of Services have been merged under the SEMIC Support Centre.

What can I find under Base Registries?

Base Registries represent authoritative databases and a trusted source of basic information on data items such as people, companies, vehicles, licenses, buildings, locations and roads. Access to Base Registries (ABR) aims at defining a common framework for base registries access and interconnection, and developing supporting tools that would make national and cross-border access to the base registries more efficient.

If you don’t know how to get started, there is a section called ‘Getting Started’ that will guide you through the action via a step-by-step guide to better understand what Base Registries are about.

If you are looking for specific information about Tools or Specifications regarding Base Registries, such as BRegDCAT-AP, you can find it in the dedicated sections. For all studies and past webinars on this topic, you can find more information in the Skills development section. 

Further, the Technical Implementation Guidelines page provides key guidance documents and methodologies developed to foster common approaches to Base Registries interconnection. More specifically, more information on the Base registries interconnection framework (BRAIF), Guidelines on Base registries interconnection, Base registries Catalogue of Solutions and BRegDCAT-AP Pilots.
Are you looking for Member State Factsheets on Base Registries? Go to the page on MS Factsheets.

Base Registries

 Are you also interested in the Catalogue of Services Action? Read more about it hereafter. 

What can I find under the Catalogue of Services?

The Catalogue of Services Action supports public administrations in building their digital catalogues of public services to allow citizens, businesses and public administrations across Europe to access and understand the information they need.

Here, the same structure has been applied as in the Base Registries section.There is, first of all, the step-by-step Getting Started section to know more about Catalogue of Services and the related documentation. Additionally,  specific Tools and Specifications related to CPSV-AP can be found in the dedicated pages. More information on Guides for practical implementations for CPSV-AP, CPSV-AP Technical Pilots and other Case Studies can be found in the Technical implementation guideline page.

To conclude, all information on the Catalogue of Services Action can be found in these pages. If there is something that you would like to include there, please reach out via the Helpdesk & FAQ page. 



All information to support you on your journey related to Access to Base Registries and Catalogue of Services can be found in these pages. 

Comments, recommendations or questions? Contact us!

Still not finding what you  are looking for? Reach out to us via the contact form on the Helpdesk & FAQ page. We value your feedback!