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NIFO coffee talk - 25/11/2021

Published on: 18/11/2021 Discussion

The NIFO Team announced that the European Commission (DIGIT) is organising its first ever NIFO coffee talk, to be held on Thursday 25 November, from 9:30 to 10:30 CET.

The aim of these coffee talks will be to highlight recent developments and best practices related to interoperability and digital transformation of public administration and services, as one of the main missions of the National Interoperability Framework Observatory.

The topic for this first edition of the NIFO coffee talks will be on the creation of national catalogues of services and solutions, as one of the key components of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) for integrated digital service delivery. 

The confirmed guest speakers for this edition of the coffee talk are:

  • Mr. Frank Leyman, Head of International Relations at the Belgian Digital Transformation Office (BOSA) and
  • Ms. Ana Rosa Guzmán Carbonell, Sub-directorate General of Planning and Governance for Digital Administration at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of Spain.

In order to register for the coffee talk, please click on the below link. You will receive the confirmation and link to participate soon afterward.

Register here 


Edouard Dumonceau
Edouard Dumonceau Thu, 02/12/2021 - 10:12

On the 25th of November 2021, the NIFO Team, organised the first edition of the NIFO coffee talks with two guest speakers: 

  • Mr. Frank Leyman, Head of International Relations at the Belgian Digital Transformation Office (BOSA) and
  • Ms. Ana Rosa Guzmán Carbonell, Sub-directorate General of Planning and Governance for Digital Administration at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of Spain.

Their insights and best practices on the creation of national catalogues of services and solutions were very fruitful.

You can find on the below link a short summary of the discussions as well as the presentation which includes the questions received on the day of the event, together with their corresponding answers.…