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The newly revamped Digital Government Factsheets and Infographics for 2019 now available!

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Published on: 10/07/2019 News Archived

Digital factsheets
After a long wait and rigorous data collection process, the new 2019 Digital Government Factsheets are now available for public view. These factsheets are a prime source of country intelligence on all digital government-related matters in Europe, capturing information on the long-term trends reshaping this policy area.

As you will now see, a novelty in this year’s factsheets is the revamped template they use, providing a streamlined view over the various legal frameworks, strategies and infrastructure in place in European countries to support Digital Government activities. The new format has been designed to reflect the paradigm shift from the concept of eGovernment to the more comprehensive one of Digital Government.

The new factsheets come off the back of the annual cooperation exercise between DIGIT’s Interoperability Unit and European countries’ public administrations, providing an updated view of the continuous advances these countries undertake in the area of Digital Government and the modernisation of their Public Administrations. These factsheets are then thoroughly reviewed and finally validated by the countries’ authorities themselves. A specific factsheet for the EU will also be published in the coming weeks to demonstrate the effort that it is carrying out in the field of Digital Government.

This is the eleventh edition of this exercise, published as part of the ISA2 programme.

Along with the factsheets, the Digital Government Infographics were also published this year with a refurbished design for the 36 countries that were covered by this exercise. These infographics provide a summary of the key high-level initiatives undertaken by the specific countries to promote Digital Government in the areas of

a) Services for Citizens and Businesses,

b) Political Communications,

c) Legislation and

d) Governance and infrastructure.

The infographics further describe countries’ performances against the EU average in key Digital Government Indicators such as those related to Individuals using Internet for interacting with public authorities (e.g. ‘Downloading official forms’ and ‘Interacting’) and countries’ eGovernment performance across policy priorities (e.g. ‘User centricity’ and ‘Transparency’).

With the new Digital Government Factsheets and Infographics covering most of Europe, it is now possible to have a panoptic view over the main developments in this crucial policy area for Europe and the Digital Single Market. Moreover, they offer an opportunity for policy officers to learn from other European countries and provide a unique repository of knowledge and inspiration to direct their own Digital Government priorities.

For more information concerning the development of Digital Government in Europe, please visit the NIFO collection on Joinup, where you will find a additional resources assessing the state of play of Digital Government and Interoperability in Europe, such as the European Semester studies.