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Member for: 15 years



Hillenius consulting


Open Source Software
Last update: 27/02/2020

A geoinformation showcase

Open Source Software
Last update: 03/03/2020

Shaping digitalisation

Open Source Software
Last update: 18/02/2020

CS3MESH4EOSC, because

Open Source Software
Last update: 06/02/2020

Free to share

Open Source Software
Last update: 14/09/2020

Trade associations unite

Business and competitionOpen Source Software
Last update: 30/01/2020

High-availability cluster

Open Source Software
Last update: 26/02/2020

Growing European ecosystem

Open Source Software
Last update: 17/01/2020

Quintillions of records

Open Source Software
Last update: 16/01/2020

Personal Records Database

Open Source Software
Last update: 16/01/2020

Matrix pilot: BwMessenger

Open Source Software
Last update: 10/01/2020

Authoritative information

Open Source Software
Last update: 18/12/2019

Modern, online services

Open Source Software