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Presentation: Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU - DIGIGOV

ELISE webinar: Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU - DIGIGOV

Published on: 25/08/2020 Last update: 24/02/2021 Document Archived

Check out the recording and supporting slides for the ELISE webinar: Exploring Digital Government Transformation in the EU - DIGIGOV presented by Gianluca MISURACA (European Commission, JRC)

Visit the Exploring Digital Government Transformation-DIGIGOV space to get acess to all the outcomes of the activity.

If you are interested in knowing more about ELISE Webinars you can find further information here.

Structure of the presentation

  1. Envisioning Digital Europe 2030: 10 years later
  2. DigiGov: background, objectives and results
  3. Back to the future: Shaping Digital Europe 2040
  4. Policy implications and future research

High Level Panel Discussion

Moderated by Gianluca Misuraca, JRC

Vincenzo Aquaro, UNDESA slides
Natalia Aristimuno-Perez, European Commission, DG DIGIT  -
Andrea Halmos, European Commission, DG CONNECT -
Barbara Ubaldi, OECD -


Video URL


Type of document
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)