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ELISE at the Slovakian INSPIRE ESPUS conference

Published on: 08/10/2021 Last update: 14/10/2021 Event Archived

The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic organized the INSPIRE ESPUS conference to provide context and insight into the current state of geospatial activities and challenges abroad and in Slovakia.


The ELISE action contributed to the conference with the presentation “Location interoperability best practices: ISA² ELISE action and Slovakia positioning”.

The presentation covered:

  • the focus and future of ELISE into the Digital Europe Program (DEP),
  • an overview of LIFO and how Slovakia is positioned over their two years of LIFO participation
  • and finally key aspects of the the future of LIFO and the Blueprint.

Follow this link to access the slides of the presentation

Slovakian authorities, aware of the INSPIRE legislative requirements by the end of 2021, opportunities and synergies that geospatial data provides to eGovernment initiatives, has developed the project " Effective Management of Spatial Data and Services" (ESPUS). The INSPIRE ESPUS conference serves as an introductory event of these efforts.

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