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Dataset with cases of Artificial Intelligence usage in the public sector available as Open data

143 AI cases in the public sector are available as open data!

Published on: 02/07/2021 News

The dataset contains a list of selected cases, taken from the public sector institutions in Europe, on adopting and implementing AI. The cases have been collected within the AI Watch for the public sector initiative, from a series of activities (surveys, workshops, interviews, desk research on the web), to understand the type of AI solutions available in governments. The list must not be considered a complete and systematic inventory of current AI solutions in Europe but can still be used to find some examples of adoption and implementation of AI in governments in Europe. The update of the list is an ongoing work and its content will be continuously updated at least till the end of 2021.

Each case is documented with a title, the main country of adoption, the administrative level and a web link to find more information. Moreover, the cases have been classified following the Functions of Government (COFOG) developed by OECD and the AI subdomain defined within the AI Watch initiative

An online survey is available for everybody willing to add new cases. To send feedback on the published cases please use our contact email address.

The cases can also be consulted via AI-X an experimental viewer.

AI Viewer, Explorer
AI - X viewer


The ELISE action supports the European Commission's AI Watch initiative specifically on the impact that Artificial Intelligence has on the public sector.

AI Watch is the European Commission Knowledge for policy initiative monitoring Artificial Intelligence in Europe. It provides a number of analyses necessary to monitor and facilitate the implementation of the European Strategy for AI. More specifically AI WATCH monitors:

  • the industrial, technological and research capacity,
  • policy initiatives in the Member States 
  • the uptake and technical developments of Artificial Intelligence and
  • its impact on the economy, society and public services.

More information

Find more information on:

  • How ELISE is contributing to understanding the impact that Artificial Intelligence has on the public sector in its dedicated space.
  • The Knowledge for Policy portal of the AI Watch initiative. AI Watch aims at monitoring the development, uptake and impact of Artificial Intelligence for Europe