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ADMS.F/OSS: Working Group Virtual Meeting 2012.06.05

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Published on: 03/05/2012 Last update: 17/10/2017 Document Archived

This document contains the agenda and meeting minutes of the ADMS Virtual Meeting of 5 June 2012.


Tuesday 5 June 2012, 14:30-15:30 CET (UTC+1) (world clock)

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Meeting Minutes

Date File Comments
2012.06.08 ADMS.F-OSS Virtual Meeting 2012.06.05 - Minutes - v0.03.pdf for review



European Commission: Szabolcs Szekacs

Scribe: Michiel De Keyzer

Editor: Phil Archer

Agenda Item Owner Subject
1 all Roll call
2 SS Introduction
3 SG Licensing: ISA Open Metadata Licence v1.1 and the ISA Contributor Agreement 1.1 (PDF version here)
4 SG

Adoption of minutes of previous meetings

5 SG

Overview activities during the public review period of v0.3:

6 PA


A. General

  1. The name "ADMS.F/OSS" is too restrictive: the specification can also be used to describe non-F/OSS software
  2. What can be reused from SPDX?
  3. Provide a mapping to ISO/IEC 19770-2 Software identification Tags
  4. Add a conformance statement
  5. Static Data vs Variable Data
  6. Should be reused?

B. Use Cases

  1. Use case: provide better metadata categorization
  2. Relevance for Software Asset Management
  3. ADMS.F/OSS Use Cases: Identifier of a software asset

C. Conceptual model

  1. Naming of concepts Software Project - Software Asset - Software Distribution
  2. Different Understandings of term Software Asset
  3. Software assets are not necessarily executable software
  4. Software project or initiative
  5. ADMS.F/OSS: How to deal with a software asset located in different repositories
  6. Metrics: Lines of Code
  7. Measure: average time to close support tickets
  8. The set of syntactic formats specified in ISO8601 is very rich
  9. The use of internationalized domain names should be allowed
  10. Improve description of geographic coverage
  11. Description of date of creation
  12. Forge as a purpose built platform
  13. Correct Typos and unclarities in the specification

D. Controlled vocabularies

  1. Licence Type: foresee a term to indicate that a licence is OSI approved
  2. Consider the use of Debtags as an alternative to the Trove classification system for software
  3. Vocabulary for Asset Type
  4. Selected comments on Licence Type
  5. Audience classification
  6. Use of Trove
  7. Provide additional input to the controlled vocabularies
  8. Is it allowed to create new code values?

E. RDF Schema

  1. Change the preferred namespace prefix into admssw
  2. Add examples in RDF Turtle notation to the specs
  3. Selected comments on the RDF Schema
  4. Should be reused?
  5. Alignment with DOAP - Description of a Project

Wrapup: next steps

  • Seek further alignment with SPDX, DOAP, and ISO19770
  • Provide an editorial draft for WG review
  • Seek implementation pilots (e.g. Spreadsheet tool, FusionForge)

Nature of documentation: Conference-seminar-meeting proceeding


Type of document