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Visualization - a key method in Germany's Digitalcheck

Using visualization to create digital-ready legislation

Published on: 29/11/2023 Last update: 01/12/2023 News

Germany’s Digitalcheck, a digital-readiness check for designing policies and legislation, has been applied to new regulation initiatives as of 1 January 2023. 

It follows an iterative and user-oriented approach and evolves continuously, based on hands-on experiences, evaluation of data, and feedback by government staff and others involved in law drafting and implementing. 

Visualization emerged as an important methodology for digital-ready regulations early on in the process of developing Digitalcheck. Check out our latest blog post to find out how visualizations help in creating digital-ready legislation.

Digitalcheck has been developed under the leadership of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) jointly with an interdepartmental working group, the German National Regulatory Control Council (NKR) as the auditing body as well as the federally owned DigitalService

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Last update: 24/06/2024

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