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European Union
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European Commission (DG Informatics) - ISA² Programme – SEMIC Action



This data specification has been deprecated. It has been replaced by the Asset Description Metadata Schema solution. 


ADMS.SW is a metadata vocabulary to describe software making it possible to more easily explore, find, and link software on the Web. The specification reuses existing specifications, such as DOAP, SPDXISO 19770-2ADMS, and the Trove software map.

By using ADMS.SW to describe software in software forges, repositories, and catalogues, publishers increase discoverability and enable applications easily to consume software metadata. It allows software publishers to

  • provide unique identifiers to software projects, software releases, and software packages through HTTP URIs and ISO 19770-2 identifying systems;
  • keep their own system for documenting and storing software;
  • improve indexing and visibility of software;
  • describe software in a common way so that it can be seamlessly cross-queried and discovered through a single access point (e.g. Joinup);
  • retrieve, compare and potentially link software  to one another; and
  • identify software to be reused avoiding duplication and expensive development work.


If Europe wants to realise its objectives of a Digital Single Market enabled through e-Government, it will need to develop a large number of software solutions for e-Government that must be interoperable across the borders of Member States and Sectors. In this context, Public administrations in Europe will increasingly need to coordinate the development of software solutions for e-Government and share and reuse these software solutions as free and open-source software (F/OSS). In recent years, many European countries and regions have constructed national and regional on-line platforms (software forges). Likewise, the European Commission is promoting the cross-border sharing and reuse of software via its new platform, Joinup,  and  has developed the vision to give better visibility to this software through the use of common descriptions, enabling the "federation" of software description metadata. This federation of software descriptions was first set up on the OSOR.EU platform and is continued on the Joinup platform. Emerging Semantic Web standards entail a major opportunity to further enhance and give more visibility to software descriptions on the Web. Better visibility will trigger the reuse of free and open-source software, which in turn will contribute to the interoperability of electronic public services provided by e-Government systems.


Future plans

We foresee the following future activities:

  • Provide an mapping and extraction mechanism to retrieve description metadata from ISO 19770-2-compliant software tags
  • Support the implementation of an ADMS.SW export API plugin for FusionForge FusionForge and/or Allura by December 2012
  • Support the implementation of AMDS.SW by at least 4 public sector software catalogues and forges by May 2013
  • Implementation of ADMS.SW import, edit, and export features on Joinup v1.5 to federate software descriptions by June 2013

Known implementations

Google Refine RDF template for ADMS.SW

OwnerEuropean Union

Date: June 2012


ADMS.SW plugin for FusionForge

OwnerOlivier Berger - Institut Mines - Telecom

Date: August 2012


ADMS.SW export for the Debian Package Tracking System

OwnerOlivier Berger - Institut Mines - Telecom

Date: August 2012


ADMS.SW plugin for Tuleap

Date: October 2012




Related news

Related documents

ADMS.SW Working Group

Information on collaboration

Below you can find all the practical information on the tools used by the ADMS.SW Working Group to collaborate. Please click the links if referred to another page.

Meeting minutes


Detailed information

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