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Deployment fit (Cloud-first approach)

Statement: Decide early on the type of deployment: On-premise, vs. Cloud-native and sourcing models IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, etc


It is relevant for the success of Digital Public Services to select the deployment methodologies that fit the needs of the administration and stakeholders (citizens and businesses).


Public administration needs to perform the proper benchmark analysis to select the proper methodology for the development of digital public services. This strategy needs to be present throughout the design process and the decision-making process to ensure the delivery of streamlined services according to the users' needs.

Principle Source: EUROPEAN COMMISSION CLOUD STRATEGY Cloud as an enabler for the European Commission Digital Strategy

Principle Source URL:…

Scope: Business Agnostic

Category: Digital Public Service Strategy (Public Policy Cycle)

Interoperability Layer: Organisational IoP, Technical IoP