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Preservation of information

Statement: Records are preserved and made long-term accessible.


Legislation requires that decisions and data are stored and can be accessed for a specified time. This includes all data and information in the electronic form held by public administrations for the purpose of documenting procedures and decisions. The goal is to ensure that records and other forms of information keep their legibility, reliability and integrity and can be accessed as long as needed subject to security and privacy provisions.


  • Records are accompanied by metadata that supports records management and archiving.
  • Records are stored in formats that ensure long-term accessibility, including the preservation of associated electronic signatures or seals.
  • Records are preserved during their retention period, and selected for deletion after that.
  • Records are converted to recent standard formats, whilst also keeping the original version in the original format.
  • Records are converted, where necessary, to new media when old media become obsolete.
  • Records that are not strictly national are governed under an appropriate preservation policy, to cope with any difficulties arising if the relevant information is used under different jurisdictions.

Principle Source: Preservation of information Underlying Principle (12) of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF)

Principle Source URL:…

Scope: Business Agnostic

Category: Digital Public Service Operation

Interoperability Layer: Organisational IoP, Semantic IoP, Technical IoP