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Digital sovereignty and autonomy

Statement: Digital sovereignty means digital infrastructures, products and services that safeguard European security, strategic assets and interests while respecting European values and requirements.


European Institutions and Administrations are representing citizens and businesses and respond to and ensuring the proper development of European society in its most holistic manner. Therefore, there is a need of preventing to spend and depending on external stakeholders to foster the monopoly and vendor lock-in making non-efficient solutions and subject to external agents' desires.


Digital sovereignty and autonomy imply the adoption of technical alternatives to promote cost-effective, sustainable, independent and secure solutions. Prior assessments of the suitability of these alternatives are strongly recommended, considering each area of implementation and taking into account relevant legal frameworks.

Principle Source: C(2022) 4388 final COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMISSION European Commission digital strategy Next generation digital Commission

Principle Source URL:…

Scope: Business Agnostic

Category: Digital Public Service Strategy (Public Policy Cycle)

Interoperability Layer: Technical IoP