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Data portability

Statement: Data portability is ensured.


The functioning of the digital single market requires data to be easily transferable among different systems to avoid lock-in and support the free movement of data. This requirement relates to data portability - the ability to move and reuse data easily among different applications and systems, which becomes even more challenging in cross-border scenarios.


Data are made FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) enabling their reuse for other purposes. Data are made available outside their applications, by making them accessible through open and standard protocols and formats.

Principle Source: Technological neutrality and data portability Underlying Principle (5) of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF)

Principle Source URL:…

Scope: Business Agnostic

Category: Digital Public Service Design

Interoperability Layer: Legal IoP, Semantic IoP, Technical IoP