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Solution: Operational test bed service & Test Bed Installation Package

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Interoperability Test Bed

Name of the solution: Operational test bed service & Test Bed Installation Package

Solution's owner: DG DIGIT, European Commission, Europe

Description: The Interoperability Test Bed is a service offered by the European Commission’s DIGIT to facilitate the conformance testing of IT systems. The Test Bed is itself a software system that can be both downloaded and installed locally, but also reused through a shared online installation operated by DIGIT. It offers an intuitive web user interface that allows administrators to define their project’s overall testing setup as well as users to connect and run tests.

Type of solution: Assessment tool



Operational test bed service & Test Bed Installation Package implements the following:

Principles Interoperability layers Conceptual model
Reusability  Interoperability governance ✅ Internal information sources and services
✅ User-centricity    
✅ Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency    

Operational test bed service & Test Bed Installation Package implements the following recommendations as explained below:

 Recommendation 6  | Principle 4: Reusability 
The interoperability test bed offers a platform for testing the interoperability conformance of newly developed solutions. In this regard, it assists in the creation of interoperable public services. 

✅ Recommendation 12  | Principle 6: User-centricity
The test bed is designed to help its owner evaluate whether the new solution is interoperable. 

✅ Recommendation 19  | Principle 12: Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
The test bed allows solution owners to test their level of interoperability and to perform conformance testing to ensure that they fit their purpose. 

✅ Recommendation 21  | Interoperability Layer: Interoperability governance
The test bed allows to test the level of interoperability of solutions and specifications. 

✅ Recommendation 36  | Conceptual model: Internal information sources and services
The test bed contributes tp the development of shared infrastructure by testing whether the new building blocks are interoperable and can be connected to each other, thus ensuring their involvement in the development of interoperable public services. 


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