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Solution: Reference Architecture for e-Documents (produced in previous phases of the action)

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Reference Architecture for e-Documents

Name of the solution: Reference Architecture for e-Documents (produced in previous phases of the action)

Solution's owner: EIRA

Description: The presented architecture is based on the analysis about the exchange of e-Documents in 16 selected Member States, available here. Please use this report as a supporting document for the presented reference architecture and as a source of detailed information about the solutions used in the analysed Member States.

Type of solution: Common framework



Reference Architecture for e-Documents (produced in previous phases of the action) implements the following:

Principles Interoperability layers Conceptual model
Openness Interoperability governance ✅ Internal information sources and services
✅ Transparency ✅ Organisational interoperability  ✅ Base registries
✅ Reusability  ✅ Semantic Interoperability ✅ Security and privacy
✅ Technological neutrality    
✅ Preservation of information    

Reference Architecture for e-Documents (produced in previous phases of the action) implements the following recommendations as explained below:

✅ Recommendation 4  | Principle 2: Openness
The Reference Architecture gives preference to open specifications. 

✅ Recommendation 5 | Principle 3: Transparency
The Reference Architecture is structured in such a way that it gives internal visibility to eDocuments and their core elements. 

✅ Recommendation 7  | Principle 4: Reusability
The Reference Architecture ensures that any system developed for e-Documents enables their exchange. 

✅ Recommendation 8  | Principle 5: Technological neutrality
The Reference Architecture only consists of recommended building blocks and core elements that could be used when developing a system for eDocuments, hence it does not impose any technological solution. 

✅ Recommendation 9  | Principle 5: Technological neutrality
The Reference Architecture contains several building blocks focusing on metadata, hence ensuring eDocument portability. 

✅ Recommendation 18  | Principle 11: Preservation of information
The Reference Architecture contains several building blocks that help to ensure long term preservation policy of eDocuments. 

✅ Recommendation 20  | Interoperability Layer: Interoperability governance
The Reference Architecture helps to ensure holistic governance of eDocuments. 

✅ Recommendation 22  | Interoperability layer: Interoperability governance
The Reference Architecture contains several building blocks related to standard selection when it comes to data management. 

✅ Recommendation 28  | Interoperability layer: Organisational interoperability
The Reference Architecture contains several building blocks related to standard selection when it comes to data management. 

✅ Recommendation 30  | Interoperability layer: Semantic interoperability
Thanks to the use of the Reference Architecture, public administrations can treat data contained in eDocuments appropriately, ensuring its interoperability and easy sharing. 

✅ Recommendation 31  | Interoperability layer: Semantic interoperability
The Reference Architecture helps public administrations to establish a data management strategy in relation to eDocuments. 

✅ Recommendation 36  | Conceptual model: Internal information sources and services
The Reference Architecture helps public administrations to create a shared infrastructure for dealing with eDocuments. 

✅ Recommendation 37  | Conceptual model: Base registries
The Reference Architecture contains provisions on how to make eDocuments available to others whilst complying with key legislation on privacy & security. 

✅ Recommendation 46  | Conceptual model: Security and privacy
The Reference Architecture contains key building blocks that specify taking into account relevant legislation on security and privacy when sharing and storing eDocuments. 

✅ Recommendation 47  | Conceptual model: Security and privacy
The Reference Architecture takes into account the provisions of the Regulation of eID & Trust Services. 


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