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SEMIC 2016 - Semantic Interoperability Conference

Published on: 06/01/2016 Last update: 29/08/2018 Event Archived
Rome, Italy
Sheraton Parco de' Medici Rome Hotel
Viale Salvatore Rebecchini 39 – 00148 Roma, Italy
SEMIC 2016

Data standards for interconnected Public Administrations

"Use data standards or develop our data model from scratch?" This is a common decision information architects have to take when they develop a new system.

A data standard is a specification that describes, defines and/or structures information. Data standards, such as data models and codelists, are key building blocks for information systems development. Practice is showing, however, that public administrations are often reluctant to adopt data standards that have not been developed by or for them in the first place.

In this year conference, participants will have the opportunity to follow discussions and panels on policies and practices for developing and using data standards and learn from the experience coming from standardisation organisations, governments and European institutions.

Moreover, highly reusable and horizontal data standards promoted by the ISA² programme are currently used in operational systems, delivering a new level of interoperability and facilitating information sharing at regional, national and European level. These experiences, lessons-learnt and benefits achieved will be also discussed in the conference.

SEMIC brings together a group of 150-200 professionals every year, and constitutes the most visible and established event for public sector semantic interoperability in Europe.

So stay tuned and join SEMIC 2016 in Rome on 12 May 2016. 

SEMIC 2016 will be followed by the "DCAT-AP workshop". For more information, refer to:

>>The conference brochure is available here<<

>>The conference highlights report is available here<<

Meet our Keynote Speaker


Feargal Mc Groarty - National Haemophilia System Project Manager, St. James's Hospital in Dublin (Ireland)

Mr. Feargal Mc Groarty has a medical laboratory background and has worked in the public sector healthcare system for 20 years in both medical laboratory and project management roles and as a leader in change management. His current project has seen the implementation of GS1 barcoding on medication, allowing real-time track and trace of the drug from the manufacturer through to the patient home, including the use a smartphone app for patients to scan their medication at home, which is the first of its kind.

Feargal has been an active member of a number of GS1 work groups. He is currently co chair of the GS1 Healthcare Provider Advisory Council (HPAC) and a member of the GS1 Healthcare Leadership Team.

Feargal holds a Fellowship in Laboratory Haematology from the Institute of Biomedical Science along with a Post Grad Diploma in Management and Employee Relations from the National College of Ireland (NCI).


Preliminary Conference Programme

8:30 - 9:30

Registration & Coffee

9:30 - 9:50


Stefano Quintarelli - Deputy of the Italian Parliament and chairman of the Steering Committee of Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale - AgID, Italy

 download slides]

Antonio Samaritani - General Director, Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale - AgID, Italy

9:50 - 10:00

Welcome to SEMIC 2016

Gertrud Ingestad – Director General , DG Informatics, European Commission

Conference chair

Dave Keating - Multimedia Journalist, Belgium

Conference moderator

10:00 - 10:30

Keynote speech: Global Standards enabling interoperability – a case study 

Feargal Mc Groarty - National Haemophilia System Project Manager, St. James's Hospital, Ireland

 download slides]

10:30 - 10:40

Core vocabulary project in Japan - Corporate information portal website

Kenji Hiramoto - Chief Strategist, National Strategy Office of IT, Cabinet Secretariat, Government of Japan

 download slides]

10:40 - 10:50

Enabling Information Interoperability 

Steve Ambrosini - Executive Director, IJIS Institute, USA

 download slides]

10:50 - 11:15

Coffee Break

11:15 - 11:35

The role of Data Standards in semantic interoperability 

Vassilios Peristeras – Programme Manager, ISA² Programme of the European Commission

 download slides]

11:35 - 12:20

Panel discussion: Data Standards – Experience from practical implementations at national and international level

Panel moderator: 

Nikolaos Loutas – Senior Manager Data and Analytics, PwC, Belgium


12:20 - 12:40

A Corporate Information Management Framework for the European public sector - the sine qua non for Information Interoperability

Declan Deasy Former Director DG Informatics, European Commission

 download slides]

12:40 - 13:00

The Legal Entity Identifier: an industry standard providing open and reliable data for unique identification management

Clare Rowley - Head of Business Operations, Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), Switzerland

 download slides]

13:00 - 14:15

Networking Lunch

14:15 - 14:30

Base Registries Data Management, the importance of semantics and the challenges ahead of us

Peter Burian Programme Manager, ISA² Programme of the European Commission

 download slides]

14:30 - 14:50

Linked Base Registries as a key enabler for eGovernment in Flanders

Ziggy Vanlishout - Programme Manager Flemish Base Registries, The Flemish Information Agency (AGIV), Belgium

 download slides]

14:50 - 15:05

ISA Action on Catalogue of Services: A common vocabulary for linking-up and exchanging information about public services

Miguel Alvarez - Programme Manager, ISA² Programme of the European Commission

 download slides]

15:05 - 15:25

The Italian PSI infrastructure: The National Public Service Catalogue

Giorgia Lodi Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale - AgID, Italy

 download slides]

15:25 - 15:40

EIRA semantic interoperability specifications based on standards

Raúl Mario Abril Jiménez - Programme Manager, ISA² Programme of the European Commission

 download slides]

15:40 - 16:05

Coffee Break

16:05 - 16:25

Linked Open Economy: take full advantage of economic data

Michalis Vafopoulos - Affiliate Researcher, National Centre for Scientific Research DEMOKRITOS, Greece

 download slides]

16:25 - 16:45

Use of International Standards in the Financial Industry

Paul Janssens - Programme Director, SWIFT, Belgium

 download slides]

16:45 - 17:05

Access to re-usable public sector information: the European Data Portal and the CEF programme

Daniele Rizzi Policy Officer, DG CNECT, European Commission

 download slides]

    17:05 - 17:35

    Panel discussion: Creating a European Open Data Ecosystem: DCAT Application profile for data portals in Europe - implementation cases

    Panel moderator: 

    Makx Dekkers - Data Standards expert, consultant, Spain


    17:35 - 17:55


    Gertrud Ingestad – Director General , DG Informatics, European Commission

    Conference chair

    17:55 - 18:30

    Networking drink



    SEMIC2016 Promo leaflet from


    Spread the word: #SEMIC2016 - @SEMICeu


    Related initiatives:



    Expected Participants:

    The SEMIC 2016 is open to everyone interested in topics such as:

    • Semantic interoperability
    • Semantic technologies
    • e-Government
    • Metadata management
    • Linked open data

    The content of this conference will be most valuable to:

    • Public Servants and professionals involved in national interoperability efforts at policy creation or implementation level;
    • Representatives of large-scale pan-European projects;
    • Representatives of standardisation bodies;
    • Researchers;
    • System integrators, software vendors and consultants.

    State: Pending


    Physical location
    Rome, Italy
    Sheraton Parco de' Medici Rome Hotel
    Viale Salvatore Rebecchini 39 – 00148 Roma, Italy


    Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 05/05/2016 - 15:28

    Excellent because I was looking for this. Very well organized everything, thank you very much.