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Solutions of the month

Solution of the month - August 2024

Logo Rallly


Rallly is a tool for creating scheduling polls. Licensed under AGPL-3.0, it provides an easy to set up alternative to appointments tools. 

Solution of the month - July 2024



VECTO is the simulation tool that has been developed by the European Commission and is used for determining CO2 emissions and Fuel Consumption from Heavy Duty Vehicles (trucks, buses and coaches) with a Gross Vehicle Weight above 3500kg. Since 1 January 2019, the tool is mandatory for new trucks under certain vehicle categories in application to the certification legislation under type approval.

Solution of the month - June 2024

DIIA logo


Diia is developed by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, it is an app with access to citizen’s digital documents and government services. The application was created so that Ukrainians could interact with the state in a few clicks. Administrations can reuse the source code of this app as they long as they subscribe to the licensing agreement. 



Solution of the month - February 2024

LocalGov Drupal logo

 LocalGov Drupal

LocalGov is a set of modules to provide services often provided by local governments. The modules work with the Drupal platform. The LocalGov community of individuals and companies work on development and each new customer finances a new feature which is then available to all existing users. With both Drupal and LocalGov released under the GNU GPL, all versions that are published are free and open source software.

Solution of the month - January 2024

signal logo


The Signal app allows for end-to-end encrypted messaging between devices, primarily phones.  There are similar apps which are also free and open-source software but Signal is one of the few for which the server software is also free and open-source software.  2024 is its tenth year of active development.  Signal was recommended by the European Commission in 2020.

Solution of the month - December 2023

CCM Logo

 Citizen Card Middleware

Citizen Card Middleware is the set of middleware software packages developed for Portugal's national ID card. It is released under the EUPL-1.2 and builds on top of other free and open source software packages. In Portugal it is used for document signing, tax declarations, healthcare and online banking. The software ensures the personal data is available to the owner but is protected from third parties. These same services are needed in all Member States and regions of Europe, making this package a candidate for software reuse and collaboration.

Solution of the month - November 2023

CryptPad logo


CryptPad allows collaborative work on documents, spreadsheets and presentations. While it does not yet match all the features offered online by some well-known proprietary companies, it does cover the basic features and could be used wherever importance is placed on data security and on keeping data internal (thus preferring to avoid third-party services).

Solution of the month - October 2023

gnu social

 GNU social

GNU social is software for running a social media platform which can be public-facing or internal. It thus allows public administrations to use the features of a social network for communication among government entities, without any data having to leave their network, thus contributing to security and data privacy.  This software was previously known as StatusNet and is funded by NLnet's NGI0 Discovery Fund, which in turn is financed by the European Commission's Next Generation Internet initiative.

Solution of the month - September 2023


 Firefox Translations

Firefox Translations performs in-browser translation for the Firefox browser. This is in contrast to most translation solutions which work by sending the text of webpages to a remote server. This is important for privacy in general, because sending this information equates to constantly informing a third-party of your web browsing activity, but also particularly for public administrations since sending such data to remote servers might raise issues for data protection rules. Development was supported with funding from the EU's Horizon 2020.

Solution of the month - August 2023



Re3gistry is a data management system which can be used to organise and make data available in other systems, such as websites. Data can be tagged and linked and queried. The software, released under the EUPL, is mature and very well documented, including a 13-minute video showing how to set up and use it. It has multi-lingual support, an API, bulk import features and lots of features to make it easy to access your data while avoiding methods that often lead to human error.

Solution of the month - July 2023


 Label (French Court of cassation)

France's Cour de cassation has released the software, named Label, that they use for marking up large bodies of text. The software is of general use but also has features specific for court rulings such as anonymisation and legal categorisation.  Released under the MIT licence, this software fulfils a need that exists in every country, at multiple levels, and is a great candidate for wide reuse in the EU.

Solution of the month - June 2023



EU CAPTCHA is software which displays a "prove you are a human" test, such as bendy text or an image that you have to rotate until it's the right way up.  This type of software is used on a large number of websites, so there is the potential for a company to track a user's online activity across many websites.  EU-CAPTCHA, because it's free & open source software, and because it can be installed without needing a third-party service, offers a solution to this privacy issue.  It also focusses on EU standards for accessibility and it is available in the EU languages.  It is available under a copyleft licence, the EUPL 1.2, and has recently been merged with the EUSurvey software which uses the same licence.

Solution of the month - May 2023



Owlyshield is malware detection software for GNU/Linux and Windows systems.  It finds malware activity in real-time by monitoring file system activity and by using machine learning to detect vulnerability exploitation.  For the technical details: for both platforms, it combines a kernel module and a user-space module.  Released under the EUPL.

Solution of the month - April 2023



HASlib is a library which provides error-correction for the data of Galileo High Accuracy Service. This data can be used to attribute a location to any piece of land.  It is used by the National Land Survey of Finland.  The data is obtained from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), but HASlib performs essential error-correction to make this data useful.  Released under the EUPL, HASlib can be re-used by others with a similar or new uses.

Solution of the month - March 2023



OpenTalk is a video conferencing package.  It aims to provide all the features which similar packages provide, but to distinguish itself by also being Open Source Software, by avoiding a need to send data to non-EU cloud services, and there is an intention to be listed as an "Interoperable Europe Solution" when that label becomes available.  The source code is published under the EUPL on the German government's

Solution of the month - February 2023


  Shotcut and Kdenlive

Video editing is something a lot of offices have to do occasionally.  Shotcut and Kdenlive are two software packages that are very featureful but still not overly complicated and there are plenty of tutorials for both.  They are both built on top of the same set of modules, so new features in one are usually available in the other quite quickly.  Both can offer more flexibility for anyone needing to process video from an event and can reduce budgets when this need arises.  Users looking for a simpler option might find lossless-cut to be best for them, while advanced users might find Blender's Video Sequence Editor to fit their needs.

Solution of the month - January 2023


  French State Design System React integration

The French government have developed a set of software libraries for website development.  The purpose it to harmonise the look and feel, but also to standarise the developer knowledge required for development of the over 20,000 websites operated by the government.  Released as free / open source software, this code can be reused by government agencies at any level or could even be customised for use by other countries.

Solution of the month - December 2022


  Harmony eDelivery Access

Harmony eDelivery Access (source code) is an actively maintained free and open-source component for joining one or more eDelivery policy domains. "eDelivery" is a set of technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange. The security of Harmony eDelivery Access is assured by a third-party security assessment. Harmony eDelivery Access is based on the Domibus and the SMP open source projects by the European Commission.

Solution of the month - November 2022


  CSVP-AP Description Harvester

This harvestor, which is part of the SEMIC tools collection, gathers data about public services and related content, provided within a specific country or region.  CSVP-AP has been used for over seven years, but this type of technology is likely to receive new interest in the context of the obligations which are coming in the Interoperable Europe Act.  CSVP-AP requires data to be available in a format called CPSV-AP.  When data is in this format, CSVP-AP can harvest it from multiple sources and produce a browseable catalogue or make the data available via an API. (source code)

Solution of the month - October 2022



IMAPS (Interoperability Maturity Assessment of a Public Service) is a user-friendly online questionnaire, designed as a self-

assessment tool to assist public service owners to evaluate key interoperability aspects of their digital public service.  It assesses the behavioral aspects of a digital public service from the legal, organisational, semantic and technical interoperability viewpoint and provides insight into the current interoperability maturity level of a public service and improvement priorities to reach the next level of interoperability maturity.

Solutions of the month - January 2018



VocBench3 provides a solution to centralise the management of controlled vocabularies and metadata used by your public administration to support interoperability. It is a web application that allows to manage multilingual controlled vocabularies in a collaborative way. VocBench3 is developed in Java and released under GPL licence.



BIMA is a DAM application developed to organize and manage digital images assets, with built-in cataloging, indexing and advanced search functionalities. The images are organized based on albums and galleries (one image can belong exclusively to one album, as well as multiple galleries). The access to the images depends on the user profile and assigments to the gallery or album. BIMA is multilingual and provides REST API. It is developed in Python and releasead under GPL licence.

Solutions of the month - December 2017



Lesoll is a language laboratory for high school colleges. The project aims at becoming a digital teaching room. It includes a classroom management system, and different functionalities for students that would like to follow the classes. It is supported by the Geneva State - Department of Education. Lesoll is developed in C++ and released under GPL licence.



Simple Identity & Access Management SIAM consists out of a set of well established open source components that altogether offer an Identity and Access Management solution for secure and reliable authentication and authorization. SIAM has both local authentication as remote federation capabilities so it can be deployed in diverse configurations tailored to the need of the organization. SIAM is developed in Java and releasead under EUPL licence.

Solutions of the month - November 2017



Agrega2 is a repository of distributed open educational resources, composed of a set of interconnected nodes through the internet in a federated way. The repository can be accessed through SOAP and REST web services and a web interface which can be found at: Agrega2 is developed in Java and released under GPL licence.


  auto-adapting Moodle plugin

This application is a set of four Moodle plugins of that, together, detect the profile reader of pupil and adapted Moodle the interface of his level of competence. The plugins use an algorithm to find one of the 3 readers profile (not a reader, new reader and advanced reader) and adapt the interface of Moodle to their level. The plugins are developed in PHP and released under GPL 3 licence.

Solutions of the month - October 2017



MAUSS-R is an open source generalized software for the determination of the sample allocation, provides an interface to facilitate the selection of data and parameters of interest. The software in the current version allows the determination of the sample allocation in the multivariate case and for multiple domains of estimate for single selection stage samples. Mauss-R is developed using the R language and with a Java interface and releasead under EUPL licence.



Linea21 is a free software dedicated to territorial municipalities to assist them for communicating on their agenda21 or other sustainable development approach and help them managing sustainable development indicators dashboard. It is a web-based tool developed in PHP and released under GPL 3 licence

Solutions of the month - September 2017



Urbaclic is a solution that makes it easier for local authorities to get urban planning data. The application is a client library which connects to 4 API provided by national databases such as adresses, cadastre, etc. Urbaclic is developed in Javascript and released under GPL licence.



This application is a tool which facilitates technical assessment of the situations of social exclusion with homogenous criteria. The application uses 100 indicators grouped in 4 groups and which are helpful to idetify situations of social exclusions. The application is developed in PHP and released under GPL 2 licence.

Solutions of the month - July-August 2017



Atramhasis is an online SKOS editor which allows to create, edit, browse and search an online thesaurus using SKOS specification. It is an application which relies on REST web services which return JSON but also offer RDF and CSV data downloads. The software is mainly developed in Python and it is released under GPL 3 licence.



ATENEO is an application for queue management which can be on user-demand or through appointments. The application allows to open/close queues, assigning queues to operator and get statistics about the queues. The software is mainly developed in Java and it is released under EUPL licence.

Solutions of the month - June 2017


GNU Health


GNU Health is a free Health and Hospital Information system which allows to manage Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Hospital and health systems. GNU Health allows prescription wiring, billing and it allows managing doctors, labs and patients. The software is mainly developed in Python and it is released under GPL 3 licence.



SavaPage is an open source print portal which allows to print remotely acting as an hub where print jobs can be manipulated. SavaPage comes with a generic PostScript Driver for printing on different operating systems, a web app for mobile and tables and it allows easy authentication supporting different mechanisms such as username/password, LDAP, etc. Further, It provides 'pay per print' functionalities providing the possibility to do online payments. The software is mainly developed in Java and it is released under AGPL 3 licence.

Solutions of the month - May 2017



OXSIT is an OpenOffice extension to sign digital documents accordingly to XADES specification. It supports mainly the PKCS11 specification but it can be extended to others such as PKCS15. The software is mainly developed in Java and it is released under EUPL or GPL 3.



Supervizor is a visualization tool of institutions' invoice. It loads data from open data catalogues providing details of the budgets with the related invoices. Supervizor provides REST-like API so third party clients can connect for visualisation as well. The software is mainly developed in PHP and it is released under GPL 3 licence.

Solutions of the month - April 2017



FirmaXadesNet allows to apply electronic signature accordingly to XAdES standard being compliant with the eIDAS regulation.The library has support for XAdES-BES, XAdES-EPES, XAdES-T and XAdES-XL signatures and supports signature validation. The library is developed in C# and it is released under GPL licence.



GEIS stands for Graphical Environmental Interface in Sketchup. It's a plugin within Sketchup that provide a graphical interface for environmental indicator in a sketch phase of an Architectural Project. The software is developed in Ruby and it is released under GPL 3 licence.

Solutions of the month - March 2017

Consul logo


Consul is a platform that allows institutions and organizations to carry on the most important direct citizen participation processes existing nowadays. It includes: citizen proposals, votings, participatory budgets, collaborative legislation, public debates, collective interviews, and sectorial processes. The software is already used by some cities in Spain including Madrid, Barcelona, Oviedo, A Coruna, Valencia and Calvia. The software is mainly developed in Ruby and it is released under AGPL 3 licence.

Wollmux logo


WollMux is an extension developed by the Municipality of Munich as part of the LiMux project . It simplifies the filling in of forms and features letterhead generation, advanced form functionality such as plausibility checks and computed data, special printing functions that deal with requirements of a public administration, and much more. WollMux is distributed under the EUPL licence.

Solutions of the month - February 2017

Lino Welfare logo

Lino Welfare

Lino Welfare is a database application for Belgian Public Centres for Social Welfare. It allows to manage contacts and organizations, SMS and e-mail management. Lino Welfare is based on Python, Django and ExtJS, it can be connected to LDAP and it supports Electronic ID. It is released as open source software under AGPL licence.

gisEIEL logo


gisEIEL is a Geographical Information System used by the Province Councile of A Coruña to visualize , analyze and manage the data in the Survey on Local Infrastructure and Facilities. gisEIEL is based on gvSIG-desktop and it includes functionalities to manage roles and users, create and print cartography and reports, validate the information in the database. gisEIEL code is based on Java and it is released as open source software under GPL 2 licence.

Solutions of the month - January 2017

Ximdex logo


Ximdex is a Semantic Content Management System that allows the manipulation and generation of content, data and apps to be published in different technologies. Ximdex allows editors to modify XML content with a GUI and administrators to manage roles and workflows for the publishing. It is translated in languages such as English, Spanish, German and Portoguese. It is developed in PHP and it is released under AGPL-3.0 licence

Epoptes logo


Epoptes is a computer lab management and monitoring tool which allows scene broadcasting, remote command executions (shutdown, un/lock, etc.) and message sending. Epoptes is translated in more than 40 languages and it comes packaged for Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian and openSUSE. It is developed mostly in Python and it is released under GPL 3 licence.

Solutions of the month - December 2016

ePetition logo


ePetition is a multi-language web application designed to manage petitions. The project features many administrator functions in order to manage petitions and can accommodate the full life-cycle of a petition from draft submission to collecting signatures and then closure with comments. The system can also accommodate for paper petitions, printing paper versions of a petition and inputting counts, as well as email updates. ePetition is developed in PHP and it is released under EUPL licence.

Zoo Project logo


OpenJRubik is a system for dissemination of statistical data which allows to publish statistics in HTML, PDF, Excel, Docbook formats. OpenJRubik relies on free OLAP libraries such as Mondrian, MDX, XMLA and JPivot. It is developed in Java and it is released under CPL licence.

Solutions of the month - November 2016


ACCEDA - Electronic Management of Administrative Procedures and insitutional websites

ACCEDA is a web application to manage administrative procedure for citizens. The platform is designed to be intuititve for both citizens and service administrators. The platform is modular, for example it support authentication via modules for LDAP, CL@ve and @Firma and it can be accessed by Web Services (SOAP). ACCEDA is developed in PHP and it is released under EUPL licence.

Zoo Project logo

ZOO-Project - The Open WPS Platform

Zoo-Project is a framework for creating and chaining WPS compliant (1.0.0 and 2.0.0) web services. ZOO-Project is able to communicate with map servers and uses the following OGC standards: WMS, WFS, WCS. The project is already used by Helidem Project, Publicamundi and by the Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission. ZOO-Project is implemented in C, already packaged for Linux and Windows operating systems, and it is released under the "MIT License".

Solutions of the month - October 2016

sdcTools logo

sdcTools: Tools for Statistical Disclosure Control

sdcTools is a collection of tools used by many National Statistical Institutes for Statistical Disclosure Control. Eurostat intends to ensure support, testing , maintenance and development of SDC software which provides ARGUS and R-packages as interface. The long list of tools is published on GitHub includes Argus, Intervalle, Hypercube which are released under EUPL licence.

Evisor logo


Evisor is a web application which generates documents containing signature information. It allows to generate report signatures and optionally authentic copies of signed electronic documents in PDF or ODF. Reports can contain information associated with the process of signing such as the signed content, information about the signer, date of signature, etc. Evisor is developed in Java and it is released under EUPL licence.

Solutions of the month - September 2016

Certificate Status Application logo

Certificate Status Application

Certificate Status Tool is a multiplatform application tool which provides validation of X509 Certificates based on Certificate Revocation Lists and the Online Certificate Status Protocol. The tool validates certificates based on their validity period, the signature and revocation information. The tool is developed in Java and it is released under EUPL licence.

Website@School logo

Website@School 1.0.0

Website@School is an Open Source Content Management System (CMS) specially designed to both learn and build websites for schools. It has special features for blind and 

visually impaired users and webmasters. Website@School provides the basic features, such as a Page Manager, a File Manager and an Account Manager. Extra functionality is added via modules. Currently 12 different modules are available, including a Newsletter module, a Snapshots module and a Weblog module. The software is translated in more than 25 languages, it is developed in PHP and released under AGPL 3.0 licence.

Solutions of the month - July-August 2016

REDDA logo


The reference data deployment adapter (Redda) is a building block capable of importing, managing, governing and disseminating semantic assets (metadata and, more specifically, reference data). Semantic interoperability is fundamental for the development of e-Govermental systems and Redda can be the component which disseminate common semantic assets to a large family of information systems in order to ensure interoperability. Redda is developed in Java and it allows full text search on reference data using Lucene. It is released under EUPL licence.

Archive logo


Web application for e-archiving of electronic files and documents. It follows the OAIS model, and implements all the archiving phases. It’s multi-department oriented, and it allows the use by final users, and also by application with web services. The tool is developed in Java and it is released under EUPL licence.

Solutions of the month - June 2016

Bube logoBube

German implementation of LCP Directive and use of European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR). This project covers an xml based interface for the collection of the PRTR data as well as for other reporting obligations from industry to government. Wizard functions in the software facilitate the calculation of certain pollutant quantities for the reporting party such as CO2 or ammonia. The software is released under GNU Affero General Public License 3.

Open e-Prior logo

Open e-PRIOR Pre-Award version 2.0 beta

Open Source e-PRIOR Pre-Award 2.0 was released on March 31st, 2016. This release includes the modules Supplier Portal, e-Submission front-Office (a.k.a. SPOTS), e-Submission Back-Office (a.k.a. CUBE) and Open e-PRIOR. This release is based on the standard UBL (Universal Business Language). It is released under EUPL licence.

Solutions of the month - May 2016

Asterix parser logo

Asterix parser

Asterix is utility used for reading and parsing of Eurocontrol ASTERIX protocol data from stdin, file or network multicast stream. This application is used in Croatia Control Ltd. ( for Tracker and Radar data analysis and problem solving. The tool is developed in C++ and it is released under GPL 3 license.

Signature verification logo

Signature Verification 1.8.1

The signature verification tool has been developed by A-SIT. It is a web based application that allows uploading of documents of various signature formats. The tool verifies all signatures and indicates for every signature wheatear it is valid or not. The tool is used by the Austrian Electronic Signature Supervision Authority for the national signature-verification portal .The tool developed in Java and it is released under EUPL licence.

Solutions of the month - April 2016

CatMDEdit logo


CatMDEdit is a metadata editor tool for describing resources, mainly geographic information. Developed by IAAA (University of Zaragoza) and GeoSpatiumLab S.L., sponsored by IGN Spain. The tool is developed in Java, it is multilingual and it allows to edit metadata being in conformance with ISO 19115. It is released under LGPL 2.1 licence.

OpenFWPA logo


Openfwpa j2ee is a framework for electronic Administration developed by the Principality of Asturias to create powerful eadministración applications, unifying and simplifying their design, implementation and maintenance. The Framework provides a structure and a methodology of work to facilitate the development of software, allowing to those who design and develop the system to focus more on the identification of requirements dealing with the tedious low-level details to provide a functional system.

Solutions of the month - March 2016

Verinice logo


Verinice is a multiplatform tool for managing information security released under GPLv3 licence. Verinice allows to perform different tasks: establishing, maintaining and improving an ISMS based on ISO 27001, assuring the compliance with standards such as ISO 27002, BSI IT-Baseline Security, performing risk analysis based on ISO 27005 and auditing, document management, report generation and much more.


DOMIBUS (Domain Interoperability Bus) is the e-Delivery infrastructure which enable an easy access to justice systems across Europe. It is composed mainly by the Gateway (responsible for the exchange of messages in a secure way) and the Connector (used by the Member States). Both are released under EUPL licence.

Solutions of the month - February 2016

MOA logo

MOA ID 3.0.2

This application is used to uniquely identify and authenticate users securely who want to conduct online procedures with their citizen cards accordingly to the Austrian e-Government strategy. By providing Single Sign On functionalities, including coupling with STORK 2 and supporting different authentication protocol, this module connects to MOA SP/SS module which is responsible for server-side signature creation and verification. MOA ID is released under EUPL licence.

EIRA 0.9.0

The European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA), is an architecture content metamodel defining the most salient architectural building blocks (ABBs) needed to build interoperable e-Government systems. This release incorporates the feedback received from participants of the EIRA/CarTool pilots conducted with public administrations of Member States and EU Institutions in 2015.EIRA uses Archimate as way to express the architecture metamodel.

Solutions of the month - January 2016

OpenFed logo

ECI Online Collection Software (OCS)

In the context of European Citizens' Initiatives (ECI), the Online Collection software (OCS) is a tool for online data collection. OCS enables citizens to support a given initiative and organizers to manage its operations. The tool also streamlines both data collection and its verification by the National Authorities. OCS is made available under a EUPL licence.

The Re3gistry

The Re3gistry is a tool used to manage the data contained in the registry (INSPIRE). It is made up of an import procedure, an export procedure and a web service. The import procedure loads the data provided (in .csv format) into the database. The export procedure prepares the data saved in the database in order to be ready for the web service. The web service has a RESTful interface to access the data. Re3gistry is made available under a EUPL licence.

Solutions of the month - December 2015

OpenFed logo


MOCCA (Modular Open Citizen Card Architecture) is an open source java application for ID card management created as joint initiative of Federal Chancellery Austria and Graz University of Technology. It can be downloaded as local application or as service, under the EUPL licence.

ReGenesees 1.7.0

ReGenesees (R Evolved Generalized Software for Sampling Estimates and Errors in Surveys) is a full-fledged R software for design-based and model-assisted analysis of complex sample surveys. This system is the outcome of a long term research and development project carried out by Istat (the Italian National Institute of Statistics). It is released under EUPL licence.

Solutions of the month - November 2015

OpenFed logo


CIRCABC is a freely downloadable, multilingual Open Source Software (OSS) for administrations, businesses and citizens, which offers distribution and management of documents in any format with a high level of security.

DCAT-AP validator

The DCAT-AP validator is a web application which checks metadata description of datasets for integrity and consistency against the DCAT-AP specification. This solution is created by the Open Data Support project.

Solutions of the month - October 2015

OpenFed logo

OpenFed version 1.15

OpenFed is a general-purpose, multilingual Drupal 7 (Web CMS) distribution. It is used to quickly develop "lightweight" websites for several public administrations in Belgium, e.g. websites supporting government campaigns and events.


OopFin is a portable and Finnish version of OpenOffice. The solution was created in 2009 by the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities.

Solutions of the month - September 2015


PDF-AS, a java framework for creating digitial signatures on PDF documents. Development of PDF-AS began in 2009 by Austria's EGIS, the software and several additional tools continue to be updated.


Leos, a (prototype) software solution that allows creation and drafting of legislative documents via a web user interface. Content is stored in the Akoma Ntoso V2 XML standard.

Solutions of the month - August 2015




Hospital was developed in 2010 as an enterprise, modular, and high scalable Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Hospital Information System (HIS). It is designed as family of modules for Open ERP and it provides full integration with the ERP (CRM, Financial Management, Human Resources). Because of this integration it could drive a fully paperless hospital.

Citizen Card Encrupted (CCE) provides encryption, decryption and general data management facilities for individuals and groups. It supports encryption and decryption of files or folders using Austrian Citizen Card and software based keys.

Solutions of the month - July 2015

OpenCimetiere (OpenCemetery) is an open source application for managing for managing concessions at cemeteries. The application was developed by the French OpenMairie software project. The software is used by over 300 municipalities inside and outside France.

The electronic identity (eID) built by the Connecting Europe Facility helps public administrations and private online service providers to extend the use of their online services to citizens from other EU Member States. The software allows cross-border authentication, in a secure, reliable and trusted way, by making existing national electronic identification systems interoperable.

Solutions of the month - June 2015

Albatross Display

Albatross Display provides air traffic controllers with precise visualization of airspace. It allows dislaying of aircraft tracks on maps, zooming and panning, selecting radar images, find tracks, filter heights and more.

Albatros Display is one of the components of the Albatros applications for air traffic controllers. The tools, originally developed by the Swiss company Skysoft, is being developed as open source since 2009.

cemar Arctic

The Icemar arctic seas navigation information management solution improves the availability and access to sea ice information in the European Arctic, the Baltic Sea as well as Antarctica. Its combination of a metadata server, information manager and on-board display system eases aggregation of available information, focussing on low bandwith use onboard ships operating in Polar waters.

Icemar SW was initially developed through the European 'sea ice pilot project'. The consortium is led by Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT) and involves the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and the Finnish VTT research centre.

Solutions of the month - May 2015

PortableSigner allows PDFs to be signed with X.509 certificates: in fact, the tool makes it easy to apply digital signatures on PDF documents. It runs on all computer platforms, uses JAVA and can be used in both manually, using its GUI and in batch mode, processing multiple files automatically.

Genis allows development and management of large web forms with complex validation requirements. Using Genis saves times in creating new forms, updating existing forms and in deployment of such web form services.

Solutions of the month - April 2015

A multilingual system for the managing online surveys. The software is built by the European Commission for the creation and publication of its surveys and public consultations. It covers all steps of a survey life cycle, from the design to the launch of the survey to the analysis and publication of results.

MOA-ZS (Module für Online Applications - Electronic Delivery) is the official open source module in Austria for certified electronic mail. The middleware application can be used by senders for accessing the Austrian document delivery system (DDS) - the country's certified mail solution.

Solutions of the month - March 2015

Eurostat SDMX Converter

The SDMX Converter lets users convert statistical time series (GESMES) to formats such as dataset publishing language messages (DSPL) and comma-separated values (CSV). It makes conversion between these formats used in statistics easy, increasing interoperability. The tool can be used either by using its graphical user interface, from the command line, or as a Web Service.


The RDFEdit tool allows searching, displaying and editing of entries in a triplestore RDF database. It is written for the European Union’s Publications Office, using the solution for the legal resources metadata database. Features a genial user interface, easing the handling of metadata.

Solutions of the month - February 2015


SEXTANTE is a GIS library and an extensive set of geoprocessing modules, written in Java. The solution is used by many public adminstrations around the world, and is now part of the popular gvSIG suite of GIS applications. gvSIG is available in more than twenty languages.

Open e-TrustEx version 2.1.0

Open e-TrustEx empowers public administations in setting up a secure exchange of digital structured & unstructured documents. This advanced platform helps to replace paper documents and files stored on CDs and DVDs. Open e-TrustEx is supported by the ISA programme of the European Commission.


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