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Open source Re3gistry 2 software is out!

New Re3gistry release

Published on: 24/07/2020 Last update: 29/06/2021 News Archived

We are happy to announce the public release of the Re3gistry 2 software.

The software, which was already released under the EUPL licence, has been officially published as an open source project in the popular Github platform with the aim to foster the creation of a community helping to improve and maintain the Re3gistry software

This new version improves greatly the former Re3gistry 1.3 software including many features, as suggested by the user community, such as:  

Screenshot of the Re3gistry's version 2 editing user interface
  • User friendly editing interface​ 
  • Built-in ISO19135 Reference codes management workflow​ 
  • Bulk import​ 
  • Improved JSON and ISO19135​ formats 
  • Ready to use & costumisable public user interface (web application)​ 
  • Installation wizard including migration from Re3gistry 1.3​ 
  • RESTful API 
  • New User, Administrator and Developer guides​ 


The Re3gistry 2 development has been funded by the European Interoperability Programme ISA2 through the ELISE action and developed in cooperation with the National Land Survey of Finland.

Get the code and all the information about the Re3gistry 2 release in GitHub at and join the Re3gistry 2 community by making suggestions, fixing bugs, improving the documentation, or directly contributing code! 

More details at Re3gistry’s Joinup page

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