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Re3gistry is a reusable OSS (under EUPL) for managing and sharing ‘reference codes’ through persistent URIs, ensuring that concepts are unambiguously referenced in any domain. It is an EC solution.
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Academia/Scientific organisation
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What is Re3gistry software?

Re3gistry new

The Re3gistry software is a reusable open-source solution for managing and sharing ‘reference codes’ through persistent URIs, ensuring that concepts are unambiguously referenced in any domain.

Reference codes can be sets of permissible values for a data field or to provide a reference or context for the data being exchanged between applications. Reference codes include enumerations, controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, thesauri or, simply, ‘lists of things’.

Licensed under the EUPL, Re3gistry is an open-source project to be deployed and further developed by contributors from any sector.

Video URL


The development of the Re3gistry began in 2013 under the Are3na action (ISA Programme), continuing since 2016 under the ELISE action of the ISA2 Programme. Starting 2022, the Digital Europe Programme is funding its development.


Re3gistry features

  • Ready-to-use & customisable interface interface​
  • Intuitive editing interface
  • RESTful API
  • Built-in ISO 19135 Reference codes management workflow
  • Multi-lingual content support
  • Automatic versioning
  • Highly flexible and customisable data models - Formats available: HTML, ISO 19135 XML, JSON, RDF/XML, Re3gistry XML, CSV
  • Bulk import functionality
  • SOLR indexing and search engine
  • Installation wizard, including migration support from Re3gistry 1.3.X instances
  • Different authentication systems are supported
  • Support of externally governed items referenced through URI
  • Support for register federation tool (RoR) with .ror files provision
  • User, Administrator and Developer guides

The Re3gistry software version numbers comply with the Semantic Versioning Specification 2.0.0.


What Re3gistry offers you?

The Re3gistry provides a central access point where labels and descriptions for reference codes are easily accessible by both humans and machines while fostering semantic interoperability across organisations.

Managing reference codes and setting up registries (systems of registers) helps:

  • Avoiding common mistakes such as misspellings, entering synonyms, or filling out online forms.
  • Facilitating the internationalisation of user interfaces by providing multilingual labels.
  • Ensuring semantic interoperability when exchanging data between systems and applications.
  • Tracing changes over time with a well-documented versioning system.
  • Increasing the value of the reference codes, if widely reused and referenced


Get started

Get the latest code from Joinup or Re3gistry GitHub's development space.


Check out the Re3gistry demo playlist for a taster of the software's functionalities.

Video URL

If you would like to access the former versions of Re3gistry (until Re3gistry version 1.3), get them here.




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Join Re3gistry in GitHub

Get involved - Open source community

The software, already released under the EUPL licence, has been officially published as an open-source project in the popular GitHub platform to foster the creation of a community helping to improve and maintain the Re3gistry software

Get registered and subscribe to the Re3gistry solution in Joinup to get all updates about the software.

Join the Re3gistry community in GitHub by making suggestions, fixing bugs, improving documentation, or contributing code!


Use the issue tracker to:

  • Report a problem,
  • Propose a new feature or an improvement to the existing functionality,
  • Start a discussion or raise a question

Re3gistry survey

Re3gistry survey - Customer Survey icon by Icons8

There is available a Re3gistry survey created to collect user feedback. The survey is designed for different types of profiles, administrators, developers, or end users. Please complete the survey to give us your opinion about the Re3gistry software.




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Release date: 21/06/2024

New Re3gistry release 21/06/2024

Release date: 17/06/2024

New Re3gistry pre-release 14/06/2024

Release date: 27/03/2024

New Re3gistry release 27/03/2024

Release date: 29/12/2023

New Re3gistry release v2.5.2 29/12/2023

Release date: 22/12/2023

Re3gistry v2.5.2-rc.1 pre-release 22/12/2023

Detailed information

Published on
Last update
Solution type
Key Interoperability Enablers,
Controlled Vocabulary,
Data Exchange,
Data Exchange,
Data Publication,
Interoperable Digital Solution,
Machine to Machine Interface,
Master Data,
Shared Knowledge Content
Release version
Release date

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