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ELISE Online Workshop: Energy & Location

Published on: 26/05/2020 Last update: 25/08/2023 Event Archived

In the context of the Online INSPIRE Conference 2020, ELISE is organising a workshop titled "Energy & Location" on the 5th of June 2020 at 11h. The workshop will show the benefits of re-using INSPIRE principles of geospatial data interoperability to support stakeholders engaged in energy policies’ lifecycle.

The European Union is giving more and more emphasis to its

ELISE Online Workshop: Energy & Location
energy policies, whose strategy and actions are delineated in several policy instruments related to different time horizons.

The Energy Union strategy, the Clean energy for all Europeans package (including the new Directive 2018/844/EU on energy performance of buildings, the new Directive 2018/2002/EU on energy efficiency and the National energy and climate plans), the 2050 Long-term strategy have the energy efficiency as one the main pillars to leverage on to achieve challenging targets.

This thematic session aims at showing the benefits that geospatial information can bring in such a framework, re-using INSPIRE principles such as the adoption of common data models and of common data access mechanisms.

Most of the presentations will refer to ongoing activities in the context of the Energy & Location Applications project executed under the ELISE action of the ISA2 Programme of DIGIT.

In the first part of the session, each speed presentation will highlight the specific problem(s) addressed and the solution(s) designed and implemented.

A discussion will follow in the second part, aiming at answering the following questions:

  • At what extent the addressed problems presented are representative of the challenges of the EU energy policy framework?
  • At what extent the solutions presented are supporting the lifecycle of the EU energy policy framework?
  • How much the solutions presented are re-usable in other geographical contexts?
  • Which additional benefits (with respect to those illustrated in the presentations) can geospatial information bring in the lifecycle of the EU energy policy framework?

 Know more ELISE events at the INSPIRE conference 2020 here.



 The recording of this webinar is available here.


Presentation title



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Validating energy simulation results for district models based on GIS data: first experiences on the case of the city of Enschede (NL)

Christian Struck

It focuses on validation aspects related to simulation of energy demand for heating in buildings.

slides download file

Prediction of the heating energy demand in European Cities using 3D City Models

Volker Coors

It focuses on the re-usability of simulations of energy demand for heating/cooling in buildings.

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The Italian data model for public lighting as extension of INSPIRE and national reference specifications

Gabriele Ciasullo

It highlights the benefits of adopting a data interoperability approach to support Local Authorities in the management of public lighting systems.

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Scale-up to multiple geographical levels of the characterization of electricity consumption in buildings using dynamic measured data and INSPIRE datasets

Gerard Mor Martinez

It shows how to scale-up at different geographical scales methodologies to characterize the energy behaviour of the analysed areas.

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INSPIRE to support regional energy strategies

Gema Hernandez Moral

It focuses on the role played by geospatial information and by the INSPIRE principles in the lifecycle of a regional energy strategy.

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The EPC4EU data model: a building block for the harmonisation and the interoperability of EPC (Energy Performance Certificates) databases across Europe.

Giacomo Martirano

It shows the benefits of adopting INSPIRE principles to achieve interoperability of EPC databases across Europe.

slides download file

Interoperability of SECAP (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan) data

Giacomo Martirano

It shows the benefits of adopting INSPIRE principles to improve the interoperability and usability of SECAP data.

slides download file
REDAP: Regional Energy Demand Analysis Portal Niall Conway It presents the REDAP portal functionalities slides download file