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Recommendation 12

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Recommendation 12 | Principle 6: User-centricity

Put in place mechanisms to involve users in analysis, design, assessment and further development of European public services. 


List of all available solutions that implement this recommendation
CISE node
The development and potential updates of CISE node were executed thanks to a broad collaboration between the European Commission, public administrations and other stakeholders. 
Data models
The users have been involved in the analysis and design of the CISE data model.
DCAT-AP specifications are determined by a list of stakeholders following an open procedure. 
The E-ARK Knowledge Centre allows users to contribute and validate good practices relating to information governance. 
European Union
Location Framework Blueprint


EULF Blueprint Recommendation 8 encourages collaborative design and development of location-enabled digital public services, with users engaged in the process. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 18 recommends partnering effectively to ensure the successful development and exploitation of spatial data infrastructures, which in turns helps to ensure participation of various stakeholders in the process of public services development. 
As a widely accessible survey platform, EUSurvey can be used to involve users in the design, assessment and further development of public services. Indeed, it can be used for public consultations on different EU initiatives, but can also be used for other non EU purposes.
IMAPS solution v1.2
Question B5 D11 of the Service Delivery section of the IMAPS questionnaire assesses whether citizens and businesses can contribute to design and enhancement of public service delivery by providing feedback on received services.
Interoperability Quick Assessment Toolkit (IQAT)
Interoperability Quick Assessment Toolkit (IQAT)
The IQAT assesses to which extent end-users were involved in co-creation of the solution. 
LEOS software components
LEOS software components (under EUPL)
The use of LEOS software, which allows for versioning and annotations of draft legislation, makes it easier to gather and incorporate different stakeholders views on the one piece of legislation in one place. 
Interoperability Test Bed
Operational test bed service & Test Bed Installation Package
The test bed is designed to help its owner evaluate whether the new solution is interoperable. 
Statistical Production Reference Architecture
Statistical Production Reference Architecture V1.0 and subsequent
The implementation of the ESS Statistical Enterprise Architecture and the achievement of ESS Vision 2020 goals is driven by a strong community of practitioners and any statistical officers can become its member. 
VocBench3 is a common platform where all participants can contribute, share and edit available resources. 


OpenPM² incorporates elements from a wide range of globally accepted project management best practices, described in standards and methodologies, as well as operational experience from the different EU institutions and proposes governance focusing on stakeholder needs. PM² is currently in the process of further solidifying  user-centricity by introducing User Experience concepts in its offering and reviewing all material to reflect user needs.