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ELISE action survey: Evolution of the access to spatial data for environmental purposes

Have your say: access to spatial data for environmental purposes

Published on: 15/09/2020 Last update: 20/10/2021 News Archived

The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission through the European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government ISA2 action - ELISE action, is conducting the following survey with the objective of obtaining evidence on how the access and use of spatial data has evolved over the last decade.

ELISE survey


The survey is aimed at any person or organisation making use of spatial data for environmental purposes and in particular at those practitioners involved in the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) reports.

The survey should take about 15 minutes to be completed and will be open until the end of November 2020.

The data collected will contribute on the one hand, to provide input to the approaching INSPIRE Directive evaluation due by January 2022, and on the other hand, to obtain insights about how the future spatial data infrastructures should look like in light of the imminent deployment the European Data Spaces.

More specifically, the survey has a twofold scope:

  1. Firstly, to compare how the access to spatial data has evolved over time, as a follow up of the 2009 edition survey, whose findings are available in the report “The Use of Spatial Data for the Preparation of Environmental Reports in Europe”, by assessing for example what has been the impact of several European policies and programmes in it, and,
  2. Secondly, to understand how spatial data is currently used and what are the new and longstanding challenges that prevent users to exploit this data appropriately

The results and findings of this survey will be part of a study conducted by the European Commission’s Joint Research performed by the support of Centre KU Leuven .

The final report is expected to be published in early 2021 in form of a public report in the ELISE Joinup Platform. Feel free to join ELISE’s platform to be the first one in getting the results.

Take the survey

Answers will be processed and handled according to the rules of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation). Please, read the privacy statement for this survey.

If you have any questions about the questionnaire, please contact: Please do not hesitate to forward the link to this survey to any interested person or organisations.

ELISE is the action of the European Interoperability programme ISA² Programme aiming to break down barriers and promote a coherent and consistent approach to the sharing and reuse of location data across sectors and borders, in the context of the digital transformation of public services.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this questionnaire for us!



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