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Data Findability

Statement: Metadata and data should be easy to find for both humans and computers


Global and universal identification of metadata and data must be achieved by globally unique and persistent identifiers.

Enriched (Meta)Data refers to data enrichment, regardless of any specific purpose or use.

Metadata needs to be linked to the data that is described.

Metadata and data should promote the discovery of digital resources.


Data provided must be properly described, ensuring data quality and its discovery. Data and metadata with a high level of standardisation and reuse of already available tools (vocabularies, etc) that allow its discoverability and reuse. Key aspects to make data findable are: Has a persistent identifier, has rich metadata, and is searchable and discoverable online.

Principle Source: FAIR principles

Principle Source URL:

Scope: Business Agnostic

Category: Digital Public Service Operation

Interoperability Layer: Semantic IoP, Technical IoP