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Winter School: Programme


Winter school







Here you can download the Programme. 

Wednesday 11 December – ISA² & EIF


Registration and Coffee (9:00 – 10:00)

Location: Entrance hall ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Welcome words (10:00 - 10:30) play

Welcome session in which the context, objectives and programme are introduced from both the European Commission and KU Leuven perspective.


KU Leuven

Location: Auditorium ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41

Detailed Programme Explanation 
  • Joep Crompvoets | Professor at the KU Leuven Public Governance Institute 
  • Georges Lobo | Programme Manager, Interoperability Unit, European Commission

Location: Auditorium ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Coffee Break (11:00 – 11:30)

Location: Entrance hall ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Plenary session: European Interoperability and the EIF (11:30 - 12:55) play

The rationale and latest developments regarding European Interoperability (including EIF and ISA² programme), and relevant EU policies for public administrations are introduced and explained from a European Commission perspective.

EIF and ISA² programme 

EU Policies for Public Administration 

  • Norbert Sagstetter | acting Head of Unit - eGovernment and Trust, European Commission 
  • Marian Grubben  | Head of Unit - Digitalisation of the Single Market, European Commission 

Moderator: Victoria Kalogirou | Programme Manager, Interoperability Unit, European Commission

Location: Auditorium ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Afternoon announcements - Victoria Kalogirou  (12:55 – 13:00)
Lunch (13:00 – 14:00)
Location Switch (14:00 – 14:20)

Location: Entrance hall ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Workshops Session 1 (14:20 - 15:30) 

Registration required in advance. Please note that EIRA workshop is divided in two parts, while other workshops are composed of sessions which will be repeated twice. 

Coffee on the spot 

Location: KU Leuven AGORA Learning Centre – Edward Van Evenstraat 4


Coffee Break (15:30 – 15:45)


Workshops Session 2 (15:45 - 17:00) 

Registration required in advance. Please note that EIRA workshop is divided in two parts, while other workshops are composed of sessions which will be repeated twice. 

Coffee on the spot 

Location: KU Leuven AGORA Learning Centre – Edward Van Evenstraat 4


Thursday 12 December – Public Sector Innovation


Coffee (9:00 – 9:30)

Location: Entrance hall ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Plenary session: Public Sector Innovation from an Institutional Perspective (09:30 - 11:00) play

Public Sector Innovation is considered as the process of generating new ideas in the public sector and implementing them to create value for society.  

The first part of this plenary session will focus on the views from the European Commission that will present its current activities supporting Public Sector Innovation and the plans foreseen in the future Digital Europe programme. This will be complemented national perspectives from Slovenia Portugal and Belgium.

  • Natalia Aristimuño Pérez | Head of Unit - Interoperability, European Commission 
  • Karmen Kern Pipan | Head of Data Management Department, Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia 
  • Pedro Viana | Director of Digital Transformation, AMA, Portuguese Administrative Modernization Agency, Portugal 
  • Frank Leyman | Manager of International Relations, Belgian Federal Public service Strategy and Support 

Moderators: Georges Lobo | Programme Managers, Interoperability Unit, European Commission

Location: Auditorium ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Coffee (11:00 – 11:30)

Location: Entrance hall ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Plenary session: Public Sector Innovation from an Academic Perspective (11:30 - 12:55) play

The second part of this plenary session will focus on the views from internationally renowned academic scholars regarding the current and future of public sector innovation.

  • Marijn Janssen | Full Professor in Policy and Management Faculty of TU Delft, The Netherlands 
  • Ines Mergel | Full Professor in Department of Politics and Public Administration of Universität Konstanz, Germany 
  • Vassilis Kouliolas | executive Director eGovlab in Stockholm University, Sweden 

Moderator: Joep Crompvoets | Professor at the KU Leuven Public Governance Institute 

Location: Auditorium ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Afternoon announcements - Joep Crompvoets (12:55 – 13:00)
Lunch (13:00 – 14:00)
Location Switch (14:00 – 14:20)

Location: Entrance hall ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Workshops Session 3 (14:20 - 17:00) 

Registration required in advance.

Coffee on the spot

Location: KU Leuven AGORA Learning Centre – Edward Van Evenstraat 4


Free time (17:00 – 20:00)


Dinner (Optional)

Location: Hotel Martin’s Klooster - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwstraat 4

Registration required in advance - Kloosterhotel

Friday 13 December - The Future of Digital Transformation


Coffee (9:00 – 9:30)

Location: Entrance hall ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


General presentation (09:30 - 10:30) play

In this session, different views are presented. First by the European Commission’s director of Data Services will present his views to lead the European Commission to become a leading Data Driven organisation. Secondly an internationally respected academic scholar of KU Leuven will explain his views to the processes of using digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet the changing societal requirements.

  • Emanuele Baldacci | Director of Digital Services at European Commission 
  • Geert Bouckaert | Full Professor of public management at the KU Leuven Public Governance Institute 

Moderator: To be announced

Location: Auditorium ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Coffee (10:30 – 11:00)

Location: Entrance hall ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


General session on Workshops by Workshop Leaders (11:00 - 13:00) play

This session will summarise the main findings of the different parallel session of day 1 and 2.

Moderator: Victoria Kalogirou | Programme Manager, Interoperability Unit, European Commission

Location: Auditorium ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Lunch (13:00 – 14:00)

Location: Entrance hall ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Panel Discussion (14:00 - 15:30)  play

On the basis of a set of challenging propositions, a panel of experts will present their views and will debate about the future of digital transformation. The audience will be actively involved in the discussions.   

  • Emanuele Baldacci | Director of Digital Services at European Commission
  • Steven Van de Walle | Professor of public administration and public management at the KU Leuven Public Governance Institute
  • Robert Krimmer | Professor of e-Governance at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance in the School of Business and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology
  • Gianluca Misuraca | Senior Scientist, European Commission's Joint Research Centre 

Moderator: Joep Crompvoets | Professor at the KU Leuven Public Governance Institute

With participation from the audience.

Location: Auditorium ‘Zeger Van Hee’ – Tiensestraat 41


Closing word (15:30 – 16:00) 



Here you can download the Programme.